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Term Description
Database A file or system that stores an Organization's project data, accessible through an application such as On-Screen Takeoff, Quick Bid, or DPC. (Microsoft Access and SQL are supported database types). Required to use the products because all bidding information is stored with the database as opposed to storing projects as "flat files", such a Word doc or an Excel workbook. Each product requires its own database because each product stores information separately.
Demising Wall A wall that runs from the floor to the upper deck - used to separate tenants or isolate rooms.
Detail As related to construction drawings, a Detail is a graphical representation of a building component, location, or elevation.
Direct Cost Expenses associated with the cost of materials and labor, before tax and burden are added.
Drawing Plan, Image, Drawing, Sheet - the visual representation of an architectural drawing on-screen for the purpose of viewing or measuring.
Escalation A percentage value applied to Material and Labor costs to account for future cost increases for when a project is built.
Estimate v.to create an estimate or approximation of the cost to build something. n.the results produced by applying costs to various building components, plus markups. (also known as "bids")
Estimating Creating a proposal or quotation of the estimated expenses for a building job, typically using takeoff (or a Quantity Survey) and applying labor and material costs, along with markups.
EULA End User License Agreement - the contract between you and us explaining how you may use the software license you purchased.
Folders Multi-use term: 1.) A method of organizing projects on the Bids Tab in OST and QB and the Conditions in the Conditions window. 2.) A location where the image files (original plan files) are stored. 3.) An options screen in OST and QB that allows the user to set where the program looks for databases, images, proposals, etc.

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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