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Term Description
Site The job site - where a building or construction project is taking place.
Snap Angle An option that makes it easier to draw takeoff at set angles. Can be disabled by holding down the <Shift> key (one-time), or changing the option (always).
Specifications, Specs Exact details about a construction project, typically aligned with CSI Master Format, or the prevailing cost format.
Straight Margin or Markups As opposed to Gross Margin or Markups, a relatively simple method of calculating overhead and profit that takes the hard costs and multiplies by a set percentage.
Style 1.) A Style is a term that identifies the overall type of Condition. There are four styles of conditions - Linear, Area, Count, and Attachment. 2.) In On-Screen Takeoff, a Condition that has been saved for future use, like a condition template. see also Style Sets. Oasis Takeoff uses the term Condition Templates instead of Styles.
Style Library The master list of all Styles (saved Conditions) available in On-Screen Takeoff.
Style Sets A group of related saved conditions (Styles) that can be added to a bid as a group; see also Condition Template Groups.
Sub A subcontractor. An entity hired by the general contractor to complete some specialized portion of work (such as drywalling, concrete forming, etc.), that the general contractor does not self-perform. Typically aligned with Master Format.
Supplier (aka "Vendor") - the entity that supplies (and typically delivers) building Materials for a project.
Takeoff v. The action of drawing measurements on an electronic image that correspond to building objects. n. The visual representations of those measurements. Proper Noun. A nickname for On-Screen Takeoff.

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