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07 Bid Areas and Zones

1 On-Screen Takeoff - 07.01 How to Use Bid Areas to Separate Takeoff Quantities by Rooms, Floors, Buildings, etc. - OST

Bid Areas are defined locations within a single project such as buildings,…

2 On-Screen Takeoff - 07.02 Adding (Setting Up) Bid Areas (including Quick Add) - OST

Bid Areas are defined locations within a single project such as buildings,…

3 On-Screen Takeoff - 07.03 Creating and Adjusting Sub-Areas (Areas Under other Areas) - OST

You can add up to three levels (or tiers) of Bid Areas (for example, Building…

4 On-Screen Takeoff - 07.04 Assigning Takeoff to a Bid Area - OST

You can allocate your takeoff to a particular Bid Area two ways: After you've…

5 On-Screen Takeoff - 07.05 What are Zones? Why and How to Use Them - OST

You can use Zones to group takeoff objects for reports and pricing. Zones can…

6 On-Screen Takeoff - 07.05.01 Differences between Bid Areas and Zones - OST

Bid Areas and Zones may seem the same, but there are key differences. Bid Areas…

7 On-Screen Takeoff - 07.06 Creating (Adding) a Zone - OST

To create a Zone, Click on the Zones tab in the Conditions window Click the…

8 On-Screen Takeoff - 07.07 Drawing and Using Zones - OST

Zones are drawn very much like a polygon Area takeoff - you mark the corner…

9 On-Screen Takeoff - 07.08 Copying and Pasting Zones - OST

Once you've drawn a Zone or Zones (see previous article for a refresher) there…

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