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On-Screen Takeoff - 07.03 Creating and Adjusting Sub-Areas (Areas Under other Areas) - OST

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You can add up to three levels (or tiers) of Bid Areas (for example, Building > Floor > Room).

Adding Sub Areas

For example, you may be taking off a project that includes two buildings and each building contains several floors.

To create sub-areas,

  • Open the Bid Areas dialog box (either from the main toolbar on the Image Tab or by clicking Areas in the bid's Cover Sheet).
  • Add Buildings 1 and 2

On-Screen Takeoff Bid Areas dialog box showing buildings one and two

  • Click on Building 1 in the Area Name list
  • Use Quick Add to add Floors 1 - 3, (when you have a Bid Area selected when Adding or Quick Adding Areas, they are indented under the selected Area automatically, you will notice that "Indent under Building 1" is checked in our example)

in the Bid Areas dialog box, select a top tier bid area and click Quick Add to add sub areas below it

  • Repeat for Building 2, when you are done, your Bid Areas grid will look like this...

Bid Areas dialog box showing building 1 with floors 1 thru 3 and building 2 with no sub areas

If necessary, you can go back and rename Buildings "1" and "2" to Buildings "A" and "B".

Adjusting Areas

  • Move areas left or right to indent or outdent by selecting the area(s) and dragging and dropping them where they need to be or use the the indent button demotes a bid areato the next lowest level or the outdent button promotes an area to the next highest level buttons.
  • Move areas up or down in the list by selecting the area(s) and clicking the Move Upthe move up button keeps a bid area at its current level but moves it higher in the matrix and Move Down the move down button keeps a bid area at its current level but moves it lower in the matrix buttons as desired.
  • To delete an area, highlight the desired Bid Area and click the delete button deletes an unused bid area (you cannot delete an area that has takeoff assigned to it). If you have already allocated takeoff or Typical Areas to a Bid Area, you will not be able to delete that Bid Area (you can always go back and assign the objects to a different Bid Area, then come back and delete it).

click here to view the previous article Adding/Setting Up Bid AreasAssigning Takeoff to a Bid Area? click here to view the next article

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