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OST - 04.02.03 View Toolbar (Image Tab)

Views: 197 Last Updated: 11/03/2022 02:06 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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The View Toolbar shows/hides different windows and features.

OST Image Tab View toolbar

By default, this toolbar is docked on the right-side of the application, below the Image toolbar.

Button Icon Function What it does/What it means... Keyboard Shortcut
OST Image Tab View toolbar - Show/Hide Condition Window button Conditions Window Hide/Show the Conditions Window (also called your Conditions List)   
OST Image Tab View toolbar - Pan button Pan Window Hide/Show the Pan Window (which displays a representation of what region of the plan is currently being shown in the Image Window)   
OST Image Tab View toolbar - Layers button  Layers Window Hide/Show the Layers Window (Layers are like transparencies, they allow you to show/hide different objects within the Image Window) <Ctrl> + <L>
OST Image Tab View toolbar - Annotation and View Window button Annotation and View Window  Opens the Annotation and View Window which is a 2nd Image Window where you can draw and edit Annotation, Set Scale, and navigate to different Pages and Named Views in your Bid. You cannot draw or modify takeoff nor can you use Overlays or delete a Page in the Annotation and View Window. <Ctrl> + <2>
OST Image Tab View toolbar - 3rd View Window button View Window Opens the View Window (the View Window is a 3rd Image Window where you can view a second Plan, it is not functional for takeoff or annotation, hence the name, View Window).
OST Image Tab View toolbar - Image Legend button Image Legend Hide/Show Image Legend (A list of all the Conditions, and optionally their Results, used on the current Page).   

Don't worry - we cover all these Windows and controls, in detail, in the articles that follow.

click here to view the previous article Tools Toolbar Annotation Tools click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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