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OST - 04.04 Image Tab - The Conditions Window (the Conditions, Zones, Bid View, and Planroom tabs)

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The Conditions Window houses the Conditions, Zones, Bid View, and Planroom tabs. The Conditions Window is docked below the Pan Window by default. Conditions and Zones are covered in detail in Related Articles.

  • The Conditions tab - contains the Conditions List and all Typical Groups in the current bid along with the quantity or quantities associated with each condition for the current page.
  • The Zones tab - stores a list of any zones you have created in this bid.
  • The Bid View tab - You can use the Bid View tab to quickly change between Base Bid, Alternate, or Change Order. You can add or delete Alternates and Change Orders right from the Image Tab.
  • The Planroom tab - when you are working in a project that you downloaded from a planroom or other Document File System that publishes "OSX Project Files", this tab allows you to download project plans and updates to project documents directly from within On-Screen Takeoff. See Working with Planroom Projects for more information.
  • The Comments Tab - displays a list of all Comments and Replies on this Page.

You can undock the Conditions window by grabbing its title bar and dragging it outside the main window. You can also undock the Pan and Layers windows the same way. This makes more room for the Image Window, where you see your plan and takeoff. See Related Articles for more information on efficient use of multiple monitors. 

Conditions Tab (the Conditions list)

The Conditions Tab is where you will see all your Conditions and Typical Groups

The No., Height, and Quantity columns can be shown/hidden. Right-click in the Condition List to open the Context Menu, select "Show Columns" and place/remove checkmarks to show/hide various columns.

You can change the number of decimals shown on the Takeoff (Summary) Tab, see previous articles for more information on setting the number of decimals shown in the various Program Tabs.

The Conditions List can be grouped by Type (Condition Type)...

See What Are Conditions? for an introduction to Conditions: what kind of Conditions On-Screen Takeoff supports, how to create them, and how to use them to draw takeoff.

You can also create Condition Folders and drag-drop a Condition into a folder. Folders (like Group by Type groups) can be collapsed/expanded so you can keep your Conditions list organized. Condition Folder names are limited to 50 characters.

You can set some common Condition fields, such as Layer and Type, via the Context Menu, this is covered in detail in Related Articles.

Bid View Tab

The Bid View tab lets you quickly add, modify, or delete Alternates and Change Orders, directly from the Image Tab. You can also switch between the current display by clicking the Base Bid or one of the Alternates or Change Orders in the list.

The Bid View tab is synchronized with the Bid View drop down on the Main Toolbar. 

Zones Tab

The Zones tab is where an estimator adds, modifies, and deletes "Zones". 

Zones are a great way of breaking out your takeoff into different phases. See What are Zones and Why Use Them? for more information.

Planroom Tab

If you created the Bid by downloading a project from a Planroom or opening an On-Screen Takeoff project file (*.osx), you will see an addition tab: The Planroom tab. The Planroom tab in the Conditions Window provides access to download the plan files necessary to perform takeoff. This tab is available only when a Bid is created using an OSX file from a Planroom or DFS.

See Working with Planroom Projects for details on downloading project plans and updates from within On-Screen Takeoff.

Comments Tab

The Comments tab shows you all the Comments and Replies that exist on this Page. You can also Add a new Comment or Reply to an existing one from this tab.

OST Comments list

See Comments Overview for details on using this great collaboration tool.

click here to view the previous article The Pan Window, the View Indicator, and Panning Conditions Window Toolbars click here to view the next article

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