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QB - 14.00 Importing and Exporting - Overview

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Learning Goal
The goal of this chapter is to help you get information into and out of Quick Bid.

Quick Bid includes the ability to export Bid information several different ways

  • You can import and export entire bids (covered in the next article) 
  • You can copy and paste information directly from some of the Program Tabs (such as the Materials and Labor Tabs)
  • You can generate Materials and Accounting exports into generic formats and formats that allow importation into several Accounting packages 

Most exports are in CSV (comma-separated value) format that can be opened and edited in most spreadsheet applications. Most of the Accounting exports are in vendor-specific formats. 

The setup for Exports is similar to the setup for generating Reports, however, a smaller range of exports is available.

The next article explains how to import and export Bid Packages, subsequent articles in this chapter explain how to export specific data from a Bid in various formats.

On Center Software cannot provide assistance with importing files into your Accounting package. Once the output file is generated, if you require assistance, please contact the vendor or manufacturer of your Accounting program.

Generating Contracts (from Schedule of Values) Importing and Exporting Bids

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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