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QB - 13.05.01 Generating Contracts (from Schedule of Values)

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Now that you have created a Contract on the Schedule of Values Tab (previous article), you probably want to send that Contract to someone. 

You can generate a Summary Contract (with or without Overhead and Profit details) or a Detailed SOV Contract (that shows all the rows in the lower panel), whichever serves your purpose.

SOV Summary Report

In the top panel, click the "Create SOV Report" button.

Click the "View contract summary details" box if you want to show Overhead and Profit in the Contract.

QB SOV Summary Report - no details
Summary Contract - no Overhead or Profit details

QB SOV Summary Report - overhead and profit details
Summary Contract showing Overhead and Profit details

Detailed Contract Report

When the "Show Detailed View" option is checked and the lower Details panel is displayed, you can generate a Report of these Detailed Costs (not to be confused with the "detailed" Summary view above).

At the top of the lower panel, click the "Create SOV Detailed Report".

Click "Preview' in the confirmation box - there are no other options.

QB SOV Detailed Report

From the Preview screen, you can print or export the Contract Report, see Related Articles for details on printing/exporting Reports.

click here to view the previous article Setting up a Schedule of Values Bid, Labor, and Material Exports click here to view the next article

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