9.01 Creating a Bid


Creating a Blank, new Bid



Completing the Cover Sheet

Every Bid, Alternate, and Change Order has a Cover Sheet.  The Cover Sheet stores Bid specific information and links to the  images used in the project. See the Section Adding (linking) Images to a Bid for instructions on adding image links to the cover sheet.



Job Status,  to assign an existing Job Status:

enter the first few letters of the status name,

choose use the drop down list to view existing status , or

click the Lookup Button to open the Job Statuses dialog box. Select a Job Status from the current list to apply it to the current Bid by clicking it once, then clicking the button.

See Master Tables - Job Status for more information and details on creating new Job Statuses.


Bid No., Auto-populates, but can be changed to any unique number available in the database. This number is based on the Next Bid Number stored under TOOLS>Options New Bid.


Project Name,  Name the project here.  This is the only required field in the Cover Sheet.


Job No., The job number can be any alpha-numeric entry.


Estimator,  Select from the list or add a new one. See Master Tables - Employees and Databases - Logging into Databases for more information about using the Estimator field.


Notes, Notes are displayed on the Bids Tab.


Price Using,  Select the program application to use to price the bid, see Pricing for more information. Available options may change depending on which On Center Software programs are installed and licensed on this computer.

Database/Worksheet,  Displays the file pathway for the database or Excel file used to price this bid.  This field will not appear when Pricing Using Worksheet Tab is selected.


Bid Areas,  Click to open the Bid Areas dialog.  See Creating Bid Areas for more information.



Cover Sheet Tabs

The Cover Sheet has two tabs, Pages and Preferences


Setting Bid Preferences

Duplicating or Copying an Existing Bid

Creating an Alternate or Change Order