9.01.02 Setting Bid Preferences


The Cover Sheet Preferences tab sets or modifies default preferences and only affects the current Bid.  These settings default to whatever is set on the New Bids tab under TOOLS>Options.




General Area

Base measurement

Choose whether to use inches or millimeters as the base measurement for takeoff quantities.  Selecting inches will apply Imperial measurements while millimeters will apply metric measurements to all takeoff quantities.

Quantities in legend?

Selecting Yes here will display all takeoff quantities next to their respective icons in the image legend on the Image tab.

Takeoff in Increments of inches
(or millimeters)

Type in the smallest unit of measure to display.

New Page Defaults Area

Page Size

Select default page size for newly added images.

Scale Style

Select default scale style for newly added images.


Select default scale for newly added images.



Duplicating an Existing Bid