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11 Advanced Plan Organization and Overlays

1 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.07.03 Resizing Overlays to Match the Base Image - OST

Immediately after you deskew the image or opt not to deskew it (previous article),…

2 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.01 Advanced Plan Organization - OST

Plan Organization One of the main things you do with On-Screen Takeoff is view…

3 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.02 Improving Page Navigation: Making it Easier (more efficient) to Get Around Your Project - OST

As you already know, on the Image Tab, you use the Navigation toolbar to go…

4 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.02.01 Renaming Pages (on Cover Sheet and Image Tab) - OST

You can rename your Pages in the Cover Sheet or right from the Image Tab. We…

5 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.02.02 Collating Pages for Easier Navigation - OST

Often, when you load/import plans into a project, they aren't in the same order…

6 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.02.03 Using Page Folders in the Cover Sheet to Organize Your Plans by Discipline - OST

When you are working on large projects, the Cover Sheet Pages grid can become…

7 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.03 What is the Cover Sheet's Image Folder? - OST

On the Cover Sheet, in the Pages grid, each Page (row) points to a particular…

8 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.03.01 Using the Change Folder Function to Update the Links for Multiple Pages - OST

On a Bid's Cover Sheet, in the Pages grid, each Page (row) points to a particular…

9 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.04 How to use the Missing Image Assistant to Fix Broken Page Links - OST

Sometimes, after initially creating a project and adding Images (linking to…

10 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.05 Adjusting How Your Plans Are Displayed (Visual Settings) - OST

There are times when it is necessary to adjust how an image is displayed on…

11 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.05.01 Rotating and Flipping Plans - OST

Some images downloaded from a Planroom or received from an Architect can be…

12 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.05.02 Deskewing Plans (Aligning to Level Horizontally) - OST

Sometimes, when a paper plan is scanned and stored electronically, the page…

13 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.06 Converting Image Files (Drawings) to TIFF Format - OST

Sometimes, electronic plans can be saved in a format that is very complex or…

14 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.07 Using Overlay to Identify Changes Between Revisions - OST

The Overlay feature allow an addendum drawing to overlay the Base image, making…

15 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.07.01 Selecting an Overlay Image (on the Image Tab) - OST

Your first step is using Overlays is selecting the Overlay (addendum) image…

16 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.07.02 Deskewing Overlays to Match the Base Image - OST

After you add your Overlay, you are prompted to deskew (this may be necessary…

17 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.07.04 Aligning Overlays to Match the Base Image - OST

After you have deskewed and resized your Overlay (or if you add an overlay…

18 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.07.05 Adding Multiple Overlays to a Bid (using the Cover Sheet) - OST

Using the Select Overlay process on the Image Tab works great if for assigning…

19 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.07.06 Converting Overlays to TIFF - OST

On-Screen Takeoff does not provide a menu option for converting Overlay image…

20 On-Screen Takeoff - 11.08 Downloading Plans from a Planroom or DFS - OST

Many Planrooms (builders exchanges, construction news services, job posting…

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