You can rename your Pages in the Cover Sheet or right from the Image Tab. We recommend that you rename pages to easy-to-recognize names so you don't have to try and remember the file name or the page title.
Before you spend any time renaming your Pages, let On-Screen
Takeoff do it for you! Auto Name scans and returns updated
Sheet No. and
Sheet Names for your Pages automatically, in seconds. See
OST - 03.08 Use Auto Name to Speed Up Bid Setup.
If you prefer to rename your Pages manually, follow the instructions below.
Renaming On Cover Sheet - Plan Organizer
Open the Cover Sheet to see all the Pages in your project.

If you just need to do minor "clean up" of the Sheet No.'s and Names, you can do it in the Cover Sheet. You can't see a preview of the Page as your changing its Sheet No. or Name.
Renaming on Image Tab
To rename an Image page, click Edit > Rename Page, or right-click on the Image View window and choose Rename Page, and enter the new name. The new name appears in the Pages field of the Navigation toolbar and on the Pages tab of the Cover Sheet.

Renaming a page does not alter the actual file to which that page is linked - it only changes the name displayed in On-Screen Takeoff.
Use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons to quickly navigate through your plans to rename them - the Image window updates to the new page so you can see what you are renaming.
When Renaming Pages, press the <Enter> key on your keyboard twice after typing a new name to cycle to the Next page in the project.
Next, it is a good idea to collate your Pages so they are in a logical, progressive order.