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04 Masters (saved, reusable records and lists)

1 QB - 04.14.03 Masters: Downloading Manufacturer Assemblies and Databases

On Center Software has partnered with several Material manufacturers to provide…

2 Quick Bid - 04.00 What are "Masters" or Master Tables / Master Records? - QB

Masters is a word we use to describe the records your organization uses to…

3 Quick Bid - 04.01 Finding and Replacing In-Use Records So You Can Delete a Master Record - QB

Most Master Records cannot be deleted if they are in use. "In Use" means the…

4 Quick Bid - 04.02 Masters: Contacts (Who or What are Contacts?) - QB

Contacts include your company, subcontractors, Architects, engineers, clients,…

5 Quick Bid - 04.02.01 Masters: Contact Types - QB

Contact Types help you organize your Contacts by logically grouping like contacts…

6 Quick Bid - 04.02.02 Adding a Contact (aka Company) - QB

As we discussed in previous articles, Contacts are any person or business involved…

7 Quick Bid - 04.02.03 Company Contacts (Contacts of a Contact) - QB

Most Contacts (aka Companies) include some sub-set of Company Contacts (people…

8 Quick Bid - 04.02.04 Importing Your Own List of Contacts - QB

Adding one or two contacts into the Masters using, as documented previously,…

9 Quick Bid - 04.02.05 Downloading Suppliers by State - QB

You can download a list of area-specific Suppliers \(Suppliers are any Contact…

10 Quick Bid - 04.03 Masters: Items List - QB

Items are the building blocks of your estimate and can represent Material Costs…

11 Quick Bid - 04.03.01 Master Items List: Searching and Filtering - QB

Most databases contain hundreds of even thousands of Items so it is important…

12 Quick Bid - 04.03.02 Master Items List: Controls and Context Menu - QB

Master Item List Control Buttons At the bottom of the Items List dialog box…

13 Quick Bid - 04.03.03 Master Items List: Column Selector - QB

You can show/hide Columns in the Master Items List to show just what you need…

14 Quick Bid - 04.03.04 Items List: Color Coding and Chain Indicator - QB

The Master Item List is color-coded so you can identify Items sized by Styles…

15 Quick Bid - 04.04 Masters: Item Types (Used for Grouping Like Items Together) - QB

Item Types are basic categories for Items, used to filter and group Items in…

16 Quick Bid - 04.05 Masters: Manufacturers - QB

Including a Manufacturer in an Item setup can help you keep track of material…

17 Quick Bid - 04.06 Masters: Containers - QB

Containers refer to the usual manner in which a Material is ordered. For example,…

18 Quick Bid - 04.07 Masters: Divisions and Sections (Work Breakdown Structure) - QB

Divisions and Sections designations are taken from MasterFormatâ„¢ as published…

19 Quick Bid - 04.08 Masters: Cost Codes and Account Codes - QB

This articles covers both Cost Codes and their optionally related Account Codes.…

20 Quick Bid - 04.09 Masters: Payroll Classes - QB

Payroll Classes are groups of laborers who perform a fundamentally similar…

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