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User Interface Components Are Cut Off in On-Screen Takeoff, Quick Bid, or Digital Production Control - DPC OST QB

Views: 390 Last Updated: 08/01/2024 06:50 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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Some screens in the On-Screen Takeoff, Quick Bid, or Digital Production Control user interface do not seem to fit, the text is oversized or bolded, or fields are cut off.


Example of missing windows font display issue in the Quick Bid Bid Exports dialog box
The Quick Bid Exports dialog box (and other) - fonts are bolded, there's too much white space around artifacts/lists.

Example of missing font issue - Quick Bid Bid Item Details dialog box - Calculation tab cut off on right side Example of missing font issue - Quick Bid Bid Item Details dialog box - Labor Cost tab erroneous bolding and cut off on right side
The Quick Bid Item Detail dialog box - the text is bolded and several fields don't "fit" in the box.

Example of missing windows font display issue - On-Screen Takeoff About screen extra white space
The On-Screen Takeoff, Digital Production Control, and Quick Bid splash screens/About dialog boxes.

Example of missing windows font display issue in the On-Screen Takeoff Cover Sheet fields misaligned and randomly bolded
In the OST Cover Sheet, fields are misaligned, fonts are bolded incorrectly, and text/labels don't "fit".

Example of missing windows font display issue in the Quick Bid Cover Sheet fields misaligned and randomly bolded
Same thing for Quick Bid.


Somehow, your system is missing a font Windows uses to render many screens in a variety of 32-bit applications. This font is included with Windows, so somehow, someone or some application uninstalled this font.


To fix this issue, you must reinstall the missing font (MS-Sans Serif).

You must be signed in as a local system administrator (or have their credentials) to install the missing font. If you are not a system admin, contact your IT Department to complete the font installation.

You can download the font here: https://downloads.oncenter.com/Downloads/support/SSERIFE.FON

Save this file to your Downloads folder.

Close On-Screen Takeoff and Quick Bid.

Locate the file SSERIFE.FON in your Downloads folder...

Right-click on the Microsoft MSSerif font installer file and select 'Install for all users'

Right-click on the file and select "Install for all users" - follow the prompts to reinstall the MS Sans Serif font.

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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