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QB - 14.05 Job Data (Cost) File Export

Views: 205 Last Updated: 11/07/2022 03:00 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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Quick Bid allows you to export bid costs (Material, Labor, Subs, Equip, Other, with Tax/Burden, but without Overhead or Profit) into a Job Data File file (in CSV format) that you can edit in your favorite spreadsheet program and then import into your Accounting package.

Alternates and Change Orders
If you are working in a Change Order, when you run an Export, it is for that Change Order only. To run a report or export on the Base Bid with or without accepted child bids, select the Base Bid from the Bid Navigator, and then open the Exports dialog box.

Although the Bid, Labor, and Material Exports are available to any licensed user, the Accounting and Custom Exports are only available to users under a maintenance subscription.

If you've allowed your maintenance subscription to expire, you can renew easily by clicking File > Check Authorization and clicking the Renew link.

QB License Activation dialog box - renew link

That link opens the MyOnCenter customer portal where you (or whoever can pay the invoice) may renew your maintenance subscription.

You can also contact Customer Success to discuss renewing your maintenance subscription.

This export is a raw data export of bid costs, rather than one that is custom-formatted for any particular Accounting system - this means it's more flexible and can be imported into almost any Accounting package, after you make some adjustments to the csv file.

Exporting the Job Data File

To export a Job Data File,

Click the Exports button and select the Job Budget File under Accounting and Custom Exports

Quick Bid Exports dialog box

Click Options - the Modify Options for Job Budget File dialog opens


Global Options (Include Bid Number and Use Account Codes) are not applied to the Job Data File, although the Account Codes associated with each Cost Code are exported, whether the option is selected or not.

The Job Data File is a cost export - it does not include Overhead or Profit.

Use the Lookup button to choose where the export file is saved and what to name it - by default, exports are saved in the Database folder with a name based on the name of the Bid or Change Order. Update the File Name but do not change the file extension (such as *.csv).

Click Open

Click OK - the options dialog box closes

In the Exports dialog box, click Export to save the Job Budget File export

Once the Job Data File Export is complete, you can open that file in Excel or whatever application you use to view/manipulate CSV files.

Category Codes are Unsupported
At this time, custom Category Codes are not supported with this export. If you have configured custom Category Codes, your export show them as "M", "L", "S", "E", and "O".

Job Data File Fields

The export looks like this when it's opened in Excel (or another spreadsheet app):

Job Data File opened in Excel

Here are the fields that are exported:


ColumnFieldDescription/Where it comes from...
1 or ABidAltCONameThe Bid (Project), Alternate, or Change Order Name
If the export does not contain Costs from more than one Bid/Child Bid, this column is blank (so, if you are in a Bid that doesn't have any Alternates or Change Orders, or you uncheck the option to include them, or you are generating the export from a Change Order, this column is not populated). 
2 or BSectNameThe Section Number and Name
3 or C AreaOrTypicalAreaNameThe Bid Area or Typical Area to which the cost is associated
Typical Areas, if included, show the Quantity calculated for each Typical Areas, however, Column 24/X (the money column) shows "0" as these costs are shown in the Bid Area to which they get allocated.
4 or D LabMatEqOtSub Indicates the "type" of Cost (Labor, Material, Subs, Equip, or Other)
5 or E CostCodeNameCost Code
6 or F AccountCodeNameAccount Code
7 or G DescriptionCost Code Description
8 or H QuantityThe cumulative total quantity for this Cost Code derived from the Item's calculation in all Conditions
For Markups (Tax/Burden) and Indirect Expenses, this is "0"
9 or I UOMThe UOM associated with the above (left) Quantity derived from the Item's calculation in a Condition
For Markups (Tax/Burden) and Indirect Expenses, this is blank for expenses calculated off Labor
10 or J AmountThe total Cost less Markups and Indirect Expenses (they are broken out individually) and not including Overhead or Profit (they are not included in the Job Data File export)
11 or K CrewDay *For Labor Costs, the number of Crew Days (the total labor cost divided by the Daily Wage, divided by the number hours/day, divided by the number in the crew) *
12 or L HoursPerDay *Number of hours/day as shown in the Cover Sheet *
13 or M ManDay *For Labor Costs, the number of Crew Days (the total labor cost divided by the Daily Wage, divided by the number hours/day) *
14 or N ProdDay *For Labor Costs, the Quantity of UOM for a cost divided by the number of ManDays (which is CrewDays multiplied by the # in the Crew) *
15 or O BidAltCONotesFrom the Bid, Alternate, or Change Order's Cover Sheet.
16 or P AccountCodeDescThe Account Code associated with this Cost Code.
17 or Q BTCostCodeName **Burden/Tax Cost Code **
18 or R BTAccountCodeName **Account Code associated with the Burden/Tax Cost Code **
19 or S BTDescription **Burden/Tax Cost Code Description **
20 or T BTAccountCodeDesc **Account Code Description associated with the Burden/Tax Cost Code **
21 or U EscalationEscalation on Materials or Labor Costs
22 or V BurdenTaxTax (Material)/Burden(Labor) that is applied to the Cost Code
23 or W TotalLaborHoursThe total Labor Hours for this Cost Code (ManDays * Hours per day)
24 or X AmountExcludeTPAUnburdened Cost for this Cost Code
Shows "0" for Rows whose Quantity is assigned to a Typical Area (the extended Bid Area rows are calculated, not the Typical Area row).

*Production information shown for Material Costs can be ignored.

**If this field is populated, the amount in the Column 24/X, AmountExcludeTPA, is the Tax or Burden for the Cost Code listed in Column 5/E). This Tax/Burden value is also shown in Column 22/V (BurdenTax) on the Material, Labor, Sub, Other, or Equipment's Cost Code's row. This allows you flexibility when importing, however be sure you don't import both.

When you are done changing the layout of the data, save the file and then import that file into your Accounting program.

For assistance importing an Accounting or Material export into your Accounting package, please contact the vendor or manufacturer of your Accounting program.

 Job Materials ExportsWhat is a Database

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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