Getting Help and Support is just a phone call, e-mail, or click away!
Many user questions (How do I...? How does x work? Can I do...?) can be answered in our Training Videos and User Guides.
Getting Help with On-Screen Takeoff, Quick Bid, or Digital Production Control
Takeoff, Quick Bid, and Digital Training Videos and User Guide links are available in the Table of Contents on the left of this page and are always a click away in the application (under "Training" or just press "F1" on your keyboard with the app open).
How Do I...? (Training Request)
Have a question on how to accomplish something or use some feature in your product?
How Do I...? or type "" in your Internet browser.
(You can also click the "How Do I..." option in any On Center product.)
Feature Requests (New Functionality or Changes to Existing)
Do you have an Idea to make our software even better?
Submit Feature Request or type "" in your Internet browser.
(You can also click the "Request a Feature" option in any On Center product.)
Contact Customer Success (Maintenance Renewals and Additional Licenses)
If you are looking to:
- Renew your Maintenance Subscription and gain access to "value-added" features such as Project Express, eQuotes, and Bid Exports
- Purchase products or licenses
- Setup trials for products you are interested in purchasing
- Need access to for yourself or another employee
- Have other questions for Sales
Contact our Customer Success Team at: 866-627-6246 or send an e-mail to:
Contact Technical Support (Problems with installing, licensing, or running your software)
Clients who maintain a Maintenance Subscription with On Center Software are welcome to contact our Support group. If you have allowed your Maintenance Subscription to lapse, you can renew by contacting our Client Services staff at the number above.
Support Hours of Operations:
5:00pm CST Sunday – 12:00am CST Monday (Sunday evening)
3:00am CST – 9:00pm CST (Monday – Friday)
New Issues
Open a Support Case
Click the button below to open a Support Case - one of our professional technical support representatives will respond as quickly as possible.
Open Support Case (or type "" in your Internet browser)
Cases are worked in the order they are received. You should expect a response within 24 hours (business days). If this is an emergency (you cannot license your software, you have a bid due imminently, etc.), please call.
Send an e-mail
Send an e-mail to:
Be sure to include your name, your Company Name, and the Product about which you are contacting us.
Give us a Call
U.S. toll free: 866-689-5687
International Support Numbers:
Australia: 1800 460 836
South Africa: 0800 983 777
United Kingdom: 0800 404 7754
New Zealand: 0800 453 050
All other countries use standard international dialing: 1 (281) 297-9000, option "1".
Existing Issue - Already Working With a Tech
Update a Support Case
Simply reply to the any Case e-mail you receive from Technical Support and the representative working with you will be notified and get back to you as soon as possible.
If you are calling back into Support on an existing issue, please have your Case number handy and provide it to the tech.
Allow a Tech Remote Access to Your Computer
If you are working with a Support Representative and he or she asks you to join a remote session, click this button...

You need the code the Technical Support Representative provides you to join the remote session.
Other ConstructConnect Products and Services
Many user questions (How do I...? How does x work? Can I do...?) can be answered in each products Training Videos and User Guides.
ConstructConnect Takeoff
ConstructConnect Takeoff Knowledgebase
ConstructConnect Platform Apps
ConstructConnect Project Intelligence
ConstructConnect Bid Center
ConstructConnect Bid Manager
DocViewer & Web Takeoff
User Management Portal
PlanSwift Knowledgebase
PlanSwift Training and Show Me How Videos
PlanSwift YouTube Library
QuoteSoft Training Knowledgebase
QuoteSoft Duct Training Videos
QuoteSoft Pipe Training Videos
iSqFt's Support Page
SmartBid's Help Center (requires logging into your SmartBid's account)