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On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.04 Image Tab Annotation Toolbar - OST

Views: 803 Last Updated: 11/08/2024 10:37 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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The Annotation Toolbar includes options to add Text, Callouts, Highlighting, Dimension Lines, Hot Links, and Named Views to a project. These elements are considered Annotation because they do not affect the takeoff quantities - they are simply markups on the image to call out important information or make the plans easier to navigate.

Takeoff v. Annotation
Annotation is not considered "takeoff", so when you export a Bid and include "Pages with Takeoff" only, Pages that contain only Annotation and not takeoff drawn with a Condition, are excluded from the export. If you want to include Pages that contain Annotation, just create a "dummie" Count Condition and place a single Count object on each Page to include in the export.

On-Screen Takeoff Image Tab Annotations toolbar

By default, this toolbar is docked to the right of the Tools toolbar.

Button Icon What it does/What it means... Function
the Dimension Line annotation button looks like a measured line with number four next to it Dimension Tool Creates a dimension line so you can measure distance without having to create a Condition or takeoff.
the Text annotation button is a large capital A Text Tool Inserts a textbox.
the Highlighter annotation tool looks like a colored marker Highlighter Tool Draw a box to highlight an object or text - click the drop down to select a color (defaults to yellow).
the callout annotation tool is a red box with a downward pointing arrow coming out its right side Callout Tool Draws a text box with an attached arrow to draw attention to something important on the plan (defaults to red).
the arrow annotation tool is a red arrow pointing up and to the right Arrow Tool Draws a single-ended arrow (defaults to red).
the lien annotation tool is a red diagonal line angling up and to the right Line Tool Draws a line (defaults to red).
the rectangle annotation tool is a red box Rectangle Tool Draws a rectangle (defaults to red).
the oval annotation tool is a red circle Oval Tool Draws an oval (defaults to red).
the polygon annotation tool is a red pentagon Freehand Tool (Polygons) Allows an estimator to click several points surrounding a region of the plan and draws a border around the region (defaults to red).
the cloud annotation tool is a red squiggly box Cloud Tool Allows an estimator to click several points surrounding a region of the plan and draws a cloud around the region (defaults to red).
the ink annotation tool is a red twice-curved line Ink Tool Allows an estimator to draw freehand markups on the plan (defaults to red).
the hot link annotation button is a red circle with a right-facing triangle inside it Hot Link Activates the (place/create) Hot Link tool (defaults to red).
the named view annotation button is a green tabbed box with yellow fill Named View Activates the (create) Named View tool.

See Related Articles for more information on using the various Annotation tools.

click here to view the previous article View Toolbar Zoom Toolbar click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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