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OST - 04.02.02 Tools Toolbar (Image Tab)

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The Tools Toolbar houses basic application function buttons for interacting with the plan/takeoff on the Image Tab.

OST Image Tab Tools toolbar

By default, this toolbar is docked to the right of the Navigation toolbar.

Button Icon Function What it does/What it means... Keyboard Shortcuts
Select Mode Allows you to selects something (such as takeoff or annotation) within the Image Window. <Spacebar> (toggles between Select and Takeoff modes)
Takeoff Mode Performs takeoff with the selected Condition. <Spacebar> (toggles between Select and Takeoff modes)
Zoom Tool Used to Zoom In or out on the current page:
Left-click to Zoom In and right-click to Zoom Out
Click and drag to create a region that will fill the entire Image window
<Ctrl> + Left (IN) or Right (OUT) mouse button.
You can zoom using the <+> (plus) (IN) and <->(minus) (OUT) buttons.
You can also use <Ctrl> with the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in/out
Zoom Full Page Zooms to a full page view of the current page (fits to page) <*>
Magnify Tool Magnify is a tool used to magnify a region of a plan without zooming in. Select the tool and click on the area to magnify.
***when using Overlays, the Magnify Tool only magnifies the Base image.
Pan Tool Click and drag to pan <Alt> Scroll Wheel - up/down
< Shift> + Scroll Wheel - side to side
Right-click and move mouse.

click here to view the previous article Mouse Controls for Plan Navigation View Toolbar click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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