On Center Software has partnered with several Material manufacturers to provide Assemblies and databases for use in Quick Bid. You can see details about these databases here: Quick Bid Partner Database & Assemblies - QB.
There are also Trade-specific databases for sale: Quick Bid Trade Databases - QB - contact Customer Success if you are interested in more information or purchasing a Trade database.
Downloading Partner (Manufacturer) Assemblies and Databases
To access the Manufacturers' page, click Master > Condition Assemblies and then click the Download button (or simply visit http://www.oncenter.com/partners).
To download from the Manufacturer Partners
site, your Maintenance Subscription will be verified, you must be using the latest version of Quick Bid, and your PC must have an active Internet connection.
There are different options available for each manufacturer, some provide Condition Assemblies, others provide databases, some provide both.
Click Download next to the desired Manufacturer.
You can choose to download the database or just Assemblies (depending on the manufacturer). Please follow the installation instructions posted on the partner's download page and be sure to read the "Readme" PDF for instructions on synchronizing the partner/manufacturer database to your own database (we recap synchronizing below).
Synchronizing a Partner Database with an Existing Database
To Synchronize the database,
Click Tools > Synchronize Databases.
Choose your existing database as the Source.
Choose the partner's database as the Destination.
Be sure to Select your existing
database as the Source Destination to avoid overwriting your existing master tables with those from the partner
Database. By making the partner
database the
Destination - your existing information overwrites what is in the partner
database so any custom pricing or Items you have already setup is retained.

Click Start to begin synchronizing the databases.
Once the synchronization process is complete, a confirmation message displays - click OK.
You are now ready to begin working in the partner database - it includes all of your existing Master Tables information as well as the all of the partner information.
If any Items already exist in the Active
database, they are updated with the new information. This means that when On Center receives updates from the Manufacturers, you can safely import the files into your
database - they will update your existing Master Assemblies and Items with the latest information from the Manufacturer. Changing the Master Items doesn't affect any existing Bids, of course.
Off Maintenance?
You must be under a current Maintenance subscription to download Manufacturer Assemblies and databases. If you have allowed your Maintenance Subscription to lapse, you will not be able to download Manufacturer databases/assemblies from On Center Software and will receive the following error.

Contact Customer Success to discuss renewing today!
Next, we'll look at Equipment and Other Assemblies.