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Moving your On-Screen Takeoff, Quick Bid, or Digital Production Control data to a new Computer - OST QB DPC

Views: 1705 Last Updated: 12/20/2024 09:16 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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How do I move my Data from one computer to another?


Moving your data from one computer to another involves moving your databases and images (if you use OST).

By default, your application database(s) and image files are stored on your local drive (C) in a folder named OCS Documents and a sub-folder with the application name such as "C:\OCS Documents\OST" or "C:\OCS Documents\Quick Bid". Depending on how you have setup OST, your image files may not be stored locally, they may be on a network drive - you have to check your bids to see where your images are being stored, each bid can be linked to a different location. It is possible that your databases may be on a 2nd, local hard drive with a different letter than "C" also - you can tell where your databases are stored by looking in the Open Databases dialog box.

You will need to determine where your files are currently being stored and if they are stored in a location other than "C:\OCS Documents\" adjust the follow steps accordingly.

Never store Microsoft Access databases on a network drive. Although the programs can access these databases, your databases will be damaged over time. If you must locate your databases on a network or share them, you must migrate to Microsoft SQL Databases.

  • First, open all databases that you are going to move from one machine to another (review the product's User Guide for help with that)
  • Run a Compact and Repair on each database stored in the existing OCS Documents folder (review the product's User Guide for help with that, also)
  • Close all databases (right-click on each and select "Close")
  • Return all licenses by clicking File > Check Authorization and returning each one-by-one.
  • Then exit out of the application (if you are moving both OST and QB, both applications must be closed before you start copying and pasting files)
  • Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the C:\OCS Documents folder (inside this folder you will see an OST and Quick Bid folder (assuming you use both products), and in those folders, you will see databases (*.mdb files), and perhaps subfolders for Backups, Images, and unique Project Folders - you want to make sure everything gets moved).
  • Right-click on the OCS Documents folder and select Copy
  • Navigate to your USB drive, right-click and select Paste


Depending on how many jobs are stored in the database, the size of the database(s), the number of images being copied, and the speed of your connection between the source and destination, this process may take several minutes to hours.

Most people use a USB drive or something similar to transfer the files from one machine to another. If you are using some other mechanism, such as a Cloud drive or Network drive to transfer the files, paste the folder there.

  • Insert the USB Drive (or open the Cloud drive or Network drive) on the new machine
  • Locate the "OCS Documents" folder you pasted previously, right-click it and select Copy
  • Open Windows Explorer, then navigate to wherever you want to store your data right-click and select Paste (by default, just paste that "OCS Documents" into "C:\" this will created a folder "C:\OCS Documents\" and your application folders and databases will be in there.
  • Once the pasting process is complete, open the application(s) (again, if your copying a lot of data, this may take some time)

Follow the steps in your product's User Guide to point the application(s) to the new "Database Folder" (in Tools > Options > Folders) - Review each folder location to ensure it is pointed to the appropriate location on the new machine)

For On-Screen Takeoff projects you may need to re-link Pages to the new location where the images are stored - please refer to Related Articles for assistance with relinking image files. (If your images were stored in some subfolder of "C:\OCS Documents\OST" on the original machine, you should not have to relink anything.)

If you are using the applications in Interactive Mode you will need to re-establish the connection for each bid between On-Screen Takeoff and Quick Bid. See Quick Bid - 06.03.03 Connecting and Disconnecting Interactive Bids for information on re-linking bids. The databases store the name of the computer as well as the database name.

If you have any problems with this, please Contact Support and a tech will be happy to assist you.

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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