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Copying and Pasting Takeoff to a Child Bid In On-Screen Takeoff Breaks Interactive Link to Quick Bid - OST QB

Views: 308 Last Updated: 08/22/2024 12:14 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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Quick Bid/On-Screen Takeoff bid interactivity may become disconnected when copying Conditions or Takeoff between Bids, Alternates or Change Orders.

Please Note: On Center has not been able to reproduce this scenario although a few customers have reported it in the past.


If this happens to you, going forward, while you are copying and pasting between Base Bids, Alternates and/or Change Orders:

  • Set the Bid to “Quick Bid (manual)” mode on the OST Cover Sheet
  • Then, press the “F9” key to perform manual Quick Bid updates during this process
  • Do not add, delete, or rename any child bids while you are in "Manual Mode", just to be safe
  • When you are done with all copying/pasting between the base and child bids, set the Project(s) back to “Quick Bid (interactive)” mode on the OST Cover Sheet

If your OST Project(s) loses interactivity with Quick Bid, refer to Quick Bid - 06.03.03 Connecting and Disconnecting Interactive Bids for instructions on re-connecting them.

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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