An Assembly is a saved template of items that can be used repeatedly. Once an assembly is created, using it is as simple as selecting it from a list. All of the saved items that an assembly contains will fill in the appropriate fields. For example, creating a condition assembly saves a template of Condition Detail items.
No matter when an assembly was originally saved, material and labor pricing will always reference the bid records first. If they are not already used in the bid, they will come from the database (master) records. This ensures that your bid always references the most current prices.
With Quick Bid, you can create three different types of assemblies: Condition, Equipment and Other assemblies. Information about creating and using Condition Assemblies is listed below. Information on creating and using Equipment Assemblies and Other Assemblies is located under Master Tables.
Before you can create an Assembly, you will need to enter all of the required items you want to include in that assembly. See Building Conditions, for information about entering material and labor items.
Once you
have entered the necessary items, click . The Condition
Assembly List (Master) dialog appears.
Click . If you entered the
items in the Condition Detail,
the Condition Assembly Detail (Master)
dialog appears and is populated with all of the items you entered
on the Condition Detail.
No matter where you entered the items, you will end up on the Condition Assembly Detail (Master) dialog.
Enter or modify the condition Name with a unique description for the assembly.
Assign a Type to the condition. Because the Condition Assembly List is presented in an expandable tree format, assemblies are indexed into groups through the Type field.
the Estimator or use the Lookup tool to pick from a list.
You may want to make important modifications to the Condition Assembly like entering more detailed notes regarding the use of the assembly or changing the order in which the items appear in the Detail Area to reflect the way the condition is built.
When you
are done entering or modifying information, click to accept and save the new assembly.
To insert an assembly into a condition, click
on the Condition Detail.
The Condition
Assembly List
(Master) dialog appears.
Click on the plus sign (+) next to an Assembly Description to expand the list under that description.
Double-click an assembly or click to choose the assembly The
assembly will appears in your Condition
It is always a good idea to verify that labor costs, material costs, layers, etc. are accurate.
If you re-enter the Assembly List from the Condition Detail and choose Select, a dialog will appear called Assembly Select. This dialog is requesting direction as to where it should insert the selected assembly into the current Condition Detail. if you click Append, the selected assembly will be added to the condition (even if there are existing items previously entered). if you click Replace, Quick Bid will remove the existing Item(s) and replace it with your selected assembly. If you click Cancel, the Assembly List will be closed and no changes will be made to the Condition Detail.