An Other Assembly can contain multiple items or it can be a single item. Other Assemblies are stored in the database and are available for use in any bid in that database. Using Other Assemblies can save a great deal of time when creating your bids.
Click the Other tab.
If you have no other items created in your bid, you will need to create them. See Other tab for information on creating Other records.
Highlight each item that you want to be included in the assembly.
To select multiple items, press Ctrl on your keyboard and while holding this button down, make your selections.
Once you have made your selections, right-click anywhere in the Other tab window, and select New Other Assembly from the menu. The Other Assembly List (Master) dialog appears.
Give your assembly a name and enter an Owner
or click the Lookup tool
to select from a list.
Click the Other tab.
Right-click anywhere in the Other tab window and select Insert Other Assembly from the menu or press Insert on your keyboard.
Click on the assembly or assemblies you want to add
to the bid and click to return to the Other
tab. Your assemblies along with their attributes
will be added to your bid.
Well, that's it for the Master Tables! Next, we'll take a look at databases.