Sometimes, it's just easier to use something you've already created rather than starting from scratch.
Let's say, for example, you've built a condition called Wall Type 1 that has most of the line items you need for another condition Wall Type 2. Well, you COULD manually enter in all that information for Wall Type 2, but an easier way is to copy and paste condition details and then fill in what's missing.
To copy all Condition Item Details, use the copy button at the
bottom of the Condition Detail screen.
Then, open up the 2nd condition and Paste in the information using the
Paste Details button .
If you do not select any specific rows within the condition detail, ALL rows are assumed selected and will be copied. You can, alternately, select any of the rows you need.
Once you have pasted in the information, you merely need to make minor modifications to the Item Details.
Sometimes, you've already created the perfect condition in another bid. You can easily copy that condition (or conditions) from one bid to another. This is completed on the Conditions Tab:
Simply select the condition(s) you want to copy, right click and select copy or,
Click the COPY button on the Main Toolbar
Navigate to the bid to which you want copy the conditions, right click and choose Paste:
Notice, the Condition numbers are changed but they are in the same general order as before.