Indirect Expenses are additional expenses associated with Material and Labor related to Stock, Clean, Supervision and Per Diem and are applied based on the information entered under Default Markups and Indirect Expenses.
The Markup Detail dialog will allow you to access and modify your Indirect Expenses in the current bid.
The far left column of the Markup Detail dialog is the M/U (Markup) column.
You can access Stock, Clean, Supervision and Per Diem in this column by clicking the button associated for each markup. The Indirect Expense dialog will appear.
Calculation methods and Results are not carried over from tab to tab. Each Calculation method and Results can be customized for each type of Indirect Expense and for each section.
If you are in Section Mode (default option), updates will only be made to the section indicated in the dialog box's title bar.
Anytime you Select all bid sections you will be viewing and updating all sections in the current bid. You will receive a notice telling you that all individual section settings will be lost (zeroed out) if you click YES in the notice dialog and click OK in the Indirect Expense. You can return to the Markups Detail dialog without any changes being saved if you click Cancel in the Indirect Expense dialog and click NO when it asks you if you wish to save changes.
Bid Indirect Expenses