When accessing the Clean tab from the Indirect Expenses dialog, you are accessing bid related cleaning costs. Here you can directly enter cleaning costs for the current bid.
Calculating Cleaning Cost
Cleaning can be calculated by the quantity or cost of the material or by labor. The following is a list of areas that can be found in the Clean tab depending on the type of Calculation Method and Review Results as options you have selected.
Mat. (Material) Cost Code is taken from the base bid.
Quantity displays the Material Cost Code quantity total taken from the base. The Quantity column is available only when Calculation Method is set to Material Quantity.
Percent is available when the Calculation Method is set to Material Cost or Labor Hours.
When both the Calculation Method and Show results as is set to Material Cost, the percent of cost for stocking cost is displayed. In Section Mode, the value displayed is the percent of cost stored in that specific section. In Bid Mode, the value is calculated by dividing the Total Cost for all sections by the Cost for all sections and multiplying by 100 (Total Cost for all sections ÷ Cost for all sections) x 100).
When the Calculation Method is set to Labor Hours, the percent of hours the stocking cost to be used to calculate the stocking cost is displayed. If you update Percent in Bid Mode, it will be calculated by dividing the Totals Hours for all sections by the Hours for all sections and multiplying by 100 (Total Hours for all sections ÷ Hours for all sections) x 100).
Cost applies charges for stocking the Material Cost Code.
Total Cost displays the Total Stock Cost for the Material Cost Code.
If the Calculation Method is set for Material Quantity, it will be the Total Stock Cost for the Material Code Cost.
If the Calculation Method is set to Material Cost or Labor Hours, the Total Cost will equal the Cost plus the Cost multiplied by the Percent (Total Cost = Cost + (Cost x Percent)).
Cost Code displays
the Cost Code used for stocking
the Material Cost Code. Click
the Lookup tool
for a list of Cost Codes.
NOTE: This
column will be listed last in the Indirect
Expense dialog if Show
results as is set to Labor Cost.
Installers are
chosen from the Payroll Class
dialog. The Installer
column is available when a value is placed in the Cost
column. Click the Lookup
tool to choose an Installer.
The Installer
column is available only when Show results
as is set to Labor Cost.
Wage Type is available when a value is placed in the Cost column. The Wage Type column is available only when Show results as is set to Labor Cost.
The Material Quantity calculation method calculates how much it costs to clean the job based on the quantity of materials in the job:
Results shown as Material Cost
Results shown as Labor Cost
The Material Cost calculation method calculates the percentage of how much it costs to clean the job based on the materials costs in the job:
Results shown as Material Cost
Results shown as Labor Cost
The Labor Hours calculation method calculates the percentage of how much it costs to clean the job based on the amount of labor hours required to complete an activity:
Results shown as Labor Hours