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04 The Image Tab in Detail

1 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.01 A Detailed Look at The Image Tab - OST

The Image Tab is where you spend most of your time while using On-Screen Takeoff.…

2 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.01 Image Tab - The Image Window (Plan viewing, markups, or drawing window) - OST

On the Image Tab, the Image Window (aka the "paint desk" or "plan view window"…

3 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.01.01 Image Window Context Menu (Image Tab) - OST

Context-menus appear when you right-click (or, more correctly, 'alternate-click'…

4 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02 Image Tab - Toolbars Overview - OST

There are several toolbars used on the Image Tab when working on plans and…

5 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.01 Image Tab Page Navigation Toolbar - OST

The Navigation Toolbar is used to move through the pages in your project. Use…

6 On-Screen Takeoff - Advanced Mouse Controls for Plan Navigation - OST

You can use your mouse to zoom in/out and pan around your plans easily. Using…

7 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.04 Image Tab Annotation Toolbar - OST

The Annotation Toolbar includes options to add Text, Callouts, Highlighting,…

8 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.05 Image Tab - Zoom Toolbar - OST

The Image Tab's Zoom Toolbar changes how the image is currently displayed to…

9 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.06 Image Tab Settings Toolbar - OST

Use the Image Tab Settings toolbar to set scale and assign takeoff to a particular…

10 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.07 Mark Takeoff Complete Toolbar (Image Tab) - OST

Use the Mark Takeoff Complete toolbar to indicate you've completed the takeoff…

11 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.08 Boost Toolbar (Image Tab) - OST

The Boost toolbar includes the Takeoff Boost button (or the Try Takeoff Boost…

12 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.09 Takeoff Mode Toolbar (Image Tab) - OST

The Takeoff Mode Toolbar provides options for performing or editing takeoff.…

13 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.10 Image Toolbar (Converting, Rotating, Flipping, and Adjusting Plans on the Image Tab) - OST

The Image Toolbar provides options for changing the way On-Screen Takeoff displays…

14 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.12 Overlay Toolbar on the Image Tab - OST

The Overlay Toolbar provides quick access to adding, resizing, deskewing, and…

15 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.13 Print Area Toolbar on the Image Tab - OST

The Print Area toolbar allows a user to highlight a particular area on the…

16 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.14 PlanViewer Mode - Quick Takeoff Toolbar - OST

The Quick Takeoff Toolbar is available to PlanViewer (no license) users (and…

17 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.02.15 Text Format Toolbar on the Image Tab - OST

The Text Format Toolbar is an on-demand toolbar and is only visible when a…

18 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.03 Image Tab - The Pan Window, the View Indicator, and Panning - OST

The Image Tab Pan Window shows a smaller view of the current page. The Pan…

19 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.04 Image Tab - The Conditions Window (Conditions, Zones, Bid View, Planroom, and Comments tabs) - OST

The Conditions Window houses the Conditions, Zones, Bid View, Planroom and…

20 On-Screen Takeoff - 04.04.01 Conditions Window Toolbar - OST

There are several buttons on the toolbar at the bottom of the Condition Window.…

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