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03 Creating and Managing Bids (including Auto Name)

1 On-Screen Takeoff - 03.02 Creating a Takeoff Project (Bid, Job)

This article covers creating a new Project and filling out its Cover Sheet.…

2 OST - 03.01 What are Projects, Bids, Jobs?

A Project (or Bid or Job) is another name for a construction job for which…

3 OST - 03.03 Filling out the Cover Sheet - Step 1: Bid Information and Preferences

Every Bid, Alternate, and Change Order includes its own Cover Sheet. The Base…

4 OST - 03.04 Filling out the Cover Sheet - Step 2: Adding Plans to a Bid Using the Plan Organizer

One of the primary functions of On-Screen Takeoff is viewing project plans…

5 OST - 03.05 Adding a Single Page to A Project

Inserting a Blank Page into a Project Version 3.96 and earlier labeled this…

6 OST - 03.06 Adding Multiple Pages to Your Project

If you are provided a folder with all the plans for a particular project, you…

7 OST - 03.07 Duplicating an Existing Page in Your Project

You can duplicate a Page to make a copy of it, linked to the same image file.…

8 OST - 03.08 Use Auto Name to Speed Up Bid Setup

We developed an Auto Name tool that provides fast and accurate results. No…

9 OST - 03.09 Copying and Pasting Bids from One Database to Another

You can copy bids from one database to another (for example, if your company…

10 OST - 03.09.01 Creating Template Jobs

If you regularly bid similar jobs, or if you want to save your Worksheet Tab…

11 OST - 03.10 Duplicating Bids Within the Same Database

Sometimes, an existing Bid is close enough to what you need in a new project…

12 OST - 03.11 Deleting and Restoring Bids, Alternates, and Change Orders

You can delete bids, alternates, and change orders to get rid of the stuff…

13 OST - 03.12 What are Alternates and Change Orders?

Alternates and Change Orders are 'child Bids' - they are added after the original…

14 OST - 03.12.01 Creating and Accepting Alternates and Change Orders

You can create Alternates and Change Orders from the Bids Tab or from the Image…

15 OST - 03.12.02 Navigating Between Base and Child Bids

There are two ways you can navigate between the Base and Child Bids. Bid View…

16 OST - 03.13 Creating Projects from ConstructConnect.com (CCPI and CC Bid Center) using OST-Connect

You can import projects found through ConstructConnect Project Intelligence…

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