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Table of Contents

01 Introduction to On-Screen Takeoff

1 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.00 What Have You Gotten Yourself Into? An Introduction to the Application - OST

What is takeoff? Takeoff describes the science and art of measuring the various…

2 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.01 System Requirements and Installation Instructions - OST

If you haven't already installed On-Screen Takeoff, you start here. System…

3 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.02 Activating Your License (Unlocking Full Functionality) - OST

Before you can use the Professional functions of On-Screen Takeoff (such as:…

4 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.03.01 Using Keyboard and Other Shortcuts (Improve Your Efficiency) - OST

On-Screen Takeoff includes shortcuts to make using the program more efficient.…

5 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.03.02 The Difference Between a "Select" and an "OK" Dialog Box - OST

On-Screen Takeoff uses a database to store all information, and some changes…

6 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.03.03 Sorting, Searching, Filtering, and Grouping Information in Lists and Tables - OST

On-Screen Takeoff makes finding/accessing the information you need easy. You…

7 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.03.04 Using Imperial or Metric (SI) Units of Measurement (UOM) - OST

On-Screen Takeoff can accommodate both Imperial and Metric Units of Measure…

8 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.03.05 How to Enter Values into Measurement Boxes

When you are presented with a measurement box, you need to tell On-Screen Takeoff…

9 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.03.06 Changing the Number of Decimal Places Displayed (Rounding Quantities) - OST

By default, On-Screen Takeoff displays whole numbers and rounds displayed quantities…

10 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.03.07 Setting up Program Options and User Preferences - OST

You can start using On-Screen Takeoff "out of the box" to create highly accurate…

11 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.03.08 Plan, Sheet, Drawing, or Page? Terms Explained - OST

Plan, Sheet, Drawing, or Page? Before we go any further, we should explain…

12 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.04 Using and Disabling the Quick Start Wizards - OST

After you install On-Screen Takeoff (OST), you will probably want to start…

13 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.04.01 Takeoff Boost™ AI-Assisted Takeoff - OST

Takeoff Boostâ„¢ is AI-assisted takeoff for On-Screen Takeoff that can get…

14 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.05 Working with the Application - the Program Menus - OST

There are ten menus running across the top of the On-Screen Takeoff application…

15 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.06 Working with the Application - the Main Toolbar - OST

The Main Toolbar provides application functions such as opening databases,…

16 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.06.01 Working with the Application - Update Notifications and Automatic Upgrades - OST

On-Screen Takeoff (v.3.98.09 and newer) include an improved update notification…

17 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.07 Working with OST - the Program Tabs - OST

On-Screen Takeoff contains seven Tabs that provide access to different parts…

18 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.08 The MyOnCenter Tab - OST

The MyOnCenter Tab welcomes licensed users to On-Screen Takeoff each time you…

19 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.09 The Bids Tab Overview (Bid Organization and Management) - OST

The Bids Tab displays a summary for each Bid in the current database. When…

20 On-Screen Takeoff - 01.10 The Image Tab Overview (Viewing Plans and Drawing Takeoff) - OST

The Image Tab is where you spend most of his or her time when using On-Screen…

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