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Why Should You Upgrade to the Latest Version of Quick Bid® - QB

Views: 504 Last Updated: 08/16/2024 07:59 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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See Quick Bid® Product Information and Downloads - QB for the latest version of Quick Bid as well as links to all the resources you'll need.

See Quick Bid Release Notes History for details on what is included in all the versions of Quick Bid.

See Related Articles for additional information on upgrading.

Features and Changes

Windows 10 Compatible

Windows 10 compatible – enjoy using your new software on Microsoft’s latest version of Windows®! (See System Requirements)

Although we have not certified Windows 11 (or SQL 2019), there's no technical reason for the applications to not work with these Microsoft products/versions.

Program Tabs Improvements

  • In Quick Bid, Alternates and Change Orders are now sorted alphabetically rather than by the date they were created (sort order matches On-Screen Takeoff).
  • Add Materials and Labor totals to Condition Details Item Grid.
  • Show subtotals on the Equip, Subs, Other, Material, Labor, and Payroll Tabs.
  • Round Up, Down, or to the Nearest Container on Materials Tab.
  • New Markups Tab design to improve user experience (no more pop-up, modal window for Markup Detail - changes made to values are immediate, you will not have to 'Save/Cancel' on each Markup Detail screen).
  • Add a MyOnCenter Tab to Quick Bid to improving onboarding experience, provide access to the customer portal, and inform users of company and product news.

eQuotes Improvements and Fixes

  • Generate and Print an eQuote Comparison Report.
  • Add a Total Per Item column to the Supplier Webpage.
  • Allow a user to select which Items from a Supplier’s eQuote to accept – you can ‘cherry pick’ the exact Items you want to associate with a Supplier’s returned eQuote, even adjust the Supplier’s pricing if you like.

Schedule of Values

  • Allow users to create Schedule of Values.
  • Generate and print the Schedule of Values Detailed and Summary Reports.

Master Lists Improvements

  • Search for Items in Items List by Code, Section, Cost Code, Type, Manufacturer, or Description.
  • Option to show and hide the Section, Material Cost Code, Labor Cost Code, Type, and Manufacturer columns in the Item List.
  • Option to add Item Sizes, Styles, and Product Number columns in the Items List.
  • Select multiple criteria when filtering on the Master Items list.

Proposals, Exports, and Reports

Accounting Exports

  • Job Data File Export - allows you to export a somewhat “generic” CSV file that you can edit in Excel and then import into whatever Accounting or Project Management solution you like.
  • Accessing Accounting Exports requires your Quick Bid license to be under a current maintenance subscription.


  • Condition Detail Report updated – you can now print in landscape orientation with Production (labor) or in portrait orientation without production.
  • Update several Quick Bid reports per user feedback including the Job Cost Summary, Bid Summary, Purchasing, and Section Markups.
  • Add Phase # and Description Option to Accounting Exports.
  • Created additional Exports (Plexxis, JobCost, and Payroll).
  • The Bid Summary Report can be grouped by Condition Type.
  • You can now breakout Overhead and Profit separately from Conditions.
  • Material and Labor and Total Unit Price breakdowns available.
  • Job Cost Summary columns are now in same order as shown on Markups Details screen.
  • Display Crew and Manhours on the Section Markup Report.
  • Display a Grand Total on the Purchasing Report.
  • Add the Project Name to all Alternate/Change Order Reports.


  • Add proposal field that shows Conditions list without unit cost.
  • Add proposal field that shows Conditions list without unit cost and grouped by Area.
  • Updated the new Proposal Templates names to make them clearer based on customer feedback.
  • Provide additional fields and date format for Proposals:
    • [Contacts.email] – Contact email address
    • [Bid.Conditions] – All Conditions in Base Bid; Condition Name, Quantity 1, Notes, Total and Unit Cost
    • [Bid.Equipments] – Name (Description) and Total
    • [Bid.Others] – Name (Description) and Total

Major Fixes

  • Copying and pasting line items in a Condition Assemblies pastes the copied items 2 rows down instead of immediately below the focus point."
  • When dragging an Item into an eQuote or inviting a Supplier, the grid is expanding previously collapsed eQuote and setting focus at the top of the grid.
  • When changing Size/Style, Mat. Cost, Total, Waste, Units, or Supplier in the Materials grid, changing the price of an Item in an eQuote, Inviting or Removing a Supplier to/from an eQuote, or adding or removing and Item to/from an existing eQuote, the eQuotes grid would redraw and the user's focus would be placed at the top of the grid.
  • Update Quick Bid to support manual Condition Results from exported ConstructConnect Takeoff file.
  • Unchecking total ""Condition Price"" option from Bid Summary Report does not hide total condition price.
  • Overhead and Profit % in the Bid Summary Report are not calculating as expected when Bid includes Multi-areas for Subs, Equip, and Other expenses.
  • Type-ahead for Estimator on the Cover Sheet doesn't fill in Estimator when a user presses the <Enter> key.
  • Synchronize database logins/passwords if user(s) does not exist in Destination database.
  • Match existing contact and estimator information when importing eQuotes and Bid Packages.

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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