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On-Screen Takeoff - 06.02.08 - Filling in the Gaps - Adding Manual Conditions and Takeoff after Running Takeoff Boost - OST

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After Takeoff Boost returns results to On-Screen Takeoff, you:

Assess Manual Takeoff Needs

Although Boost is amazing, there will be times you'll need to fill-in the gaps. For example, at this time, Boost does not takeoff windows, and takes off doors as Count objects, rather than Attachments. It also doesn't takeoff fixtures such as ceiling lights or vents (Acoustical Ceiling), so you would have to take off those items manually.

In the previous Chapter, we walked you Creating Conditions, for a refresher, see: Create a Condition.

Remember, you can use the Takeoff Boost Conditions to draw takeoff that Takeoff Boost missed, create your own Conditions from scratch, duplicate existing Conditions; whatever is the best, fastest, easiest way for your to complete your takeoff.

Here are links to articles that show you how to draw takeoff manually:

click here to view the previous article Adjusting and Correcting Boost Takeoff Rerunning Boost on a Page click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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