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On-Screen Takeoff - 06.02.02 - Running Takeoff Boost™ - OST

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You must keep your On-Screen Takeoff up-to-date with the latest release to continue to use Takeoff Boost. See On-Screen Takeoff's Product Information and Downloads Page for the current release.

Please review the previous article (Using Takeoff Boost to Jump Start Your Project (Overview and Requirements) for important requirements for using Takeoff Boost.

Running Takeoff Boost

Set Scale

Warning - Scale
It is critical that you set your Page Scale before running Takeoff Boost on a Page. Incorrect Scale will cause takeoff errors because Takeoff Boost relies on correct Page scale to identify objects on the Plan.

For a refresher on how to Set and Verify Scale, see Related Articles.

Start Takeoff Boost

After you set the Page Scale and verifying you have met all the requirements listed in the previous article, click the Takeoff Boost button.

OST Image Tab prior to running Takeoff Boost

The Takeoff Boost pop-up displays...

Takeoff Boost pop up

Select Results and Set Wall Type Shape

The first thing you'll want to do is decide which Results you want Takeoff Boost to return. By default, all Results are selected (Footprint Area, Net Area, Walls, and all Counts).

  • Uncheck whatever you don't need (don't worry, if you change your mind, you can re-run Takeoff Boost and pull down additional Results).
  • Next, if you select "Walls", you can check "Wall Types" and set the shape of the callout.
    • Takeoff Boost identifies the different Wall Types (based on a shape you select), and then creates Conditions and draws takeoff objects for each different Wall Type identified on the plan - this is a huge timesaver!


If you want Takeoff Boost to identify different Wall Types, check the box and then select the symbol your plan uses to define Wall Types. If you don't check the "Wall Types" box and define the shape, all your linear takeoffs return associated with a single "Walls" Condition.

The Conditions you select are "remembered" for your next Takeoff Boost session.

Verify on the Wall or Partition schedule/detail how Wall Types are defined on your plans.

Takeoff Boost plan with arrows pointing out wall type callout

Here's another example of a plan indicating Wall Type...

Takeoff Boost plan with arrows pointing out wall type callout

Run Takeoff Boost

Next, assuming you have set and verified your Scale, click Run Takeoff Boost. If you haven't set and verified Scale, click Cancel, set and verify Page Scale, and then click the Takeoff Boost button again.

Warning about Scale
We know, it sounds like we keep harping about setting Scale. There is good reason: changing Scale after takeoff is drawn is not a guaranteed process. Some objects may not fit on the Page, some cannot be properly re-scaled, sometimes there are unforeseen issues. Always set and verify Scale before drawing any takeoff.

After a few moments, you'll see another Takeoff Boost notification and On-Screen Takeoff displays a blue "Processing..." banner along the top of the Image Window.

These indicate the Plan was uploaded successfully and the Takeoff Boost service is analyzing it.

Takeoff Boost is running pop-up

While Takeoff Boost is processing a Page, a blue banner shows at the top of the Page and the "Takeoff Boost" button changes to "Stop Takeoff Boost":

Takeoff Boost Processing banner


You can run Takeoff Boost on up to five Pages at the same time.

It takes about 10-30 seconds or so for the Takeoff Boost Results to be returned by the service.

When Takeoff Boost returns Results, On-Screen Takeoff displays a blue banner along the top of the Image Window (on the Page that is being updated) to let you that Page is being updated with Takeoff Boost results.

This banner disappears as soon as the results are written, so if you don't see it, just check back on your Page, most likely, the results will be there.

Boost writing results to database banner

Review Results

In the next few articles, we'll cover reviewing and manipulating the Results that Takeoff Boost returns.


Run Takeoff Boost on every Page in your Project before editing the Conditions or takeoff Takeoff Boost creates (we explain why in the next article).

Stop a Running Boost Process

You can stop a running Boost process anytime before results start to get written to database, by clicking the Stop Takeoff Boost button (the Takeoff Boost button changes to Stop Boost during processing). You can restart Takeoff Boost anytime on any Page, as long as there is not takeoff associated with the "Boost" Conditions (next article).

Canceling Takeoff Boost

If you close/exit On-Screen Takeoff or close this database, you will receive a caution message alerting you that Takeoff Boost will be canceled on whichever Page it is running. If you cancel, it's not big deal: you can always run Takeoff Boost again after you reopen On-Screen Takeoff or the database.

If Takeoff Boost was in the process of writing results to the database, those result will be saved and you'll see the Boost Conditions and takeoff on the Page next time you open On-Screen Takeoff or the database.

click here to view the previous article Takeoff Boost Overview and Requirements Boost Conditions and Takeoff (Boost Results) click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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