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QB - 09.14.06 Update Master Pricing with eQuote Pricing

Views: 93 Last Updated: 11/07/2022 02:13 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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Depending on your Setting (Options) and if you have rights, you may be prompted to update the database's Master Item Pricing with the pricing from an Accepted eQuote.

Update Master Material Confirmation

If you have access rights to update Master Items and the option to prompt is turned on, you will be prompted to update the Master Items' Pricing when you accept an eQuote.

To enable this setting, click Tools > Options and select Ask before updating master material pricing in the Confirmations section.

If the current user does not have access rights to update the Master, they will not receive this message. See Related articles for details on setting estimator rights within a database.

Once the confirmation is turned on, you will be prompted to update the master material price when a Supplier's eQuote is accepted.

  • Select No, Quick Bid only updates the material pricing for the current Bid
  • Select Yes, the Master Item is updated to reflect the new pricing and the supplier is added to the Master Item - existing Bids where this Item was already used are not affected by this update unless the estimator manually does so by clicking Bid > Refresh Material Pricing from within a specific Bid.
Updating the Master Material pricing is immediate and irreversible (there is no way to undo this change). Current Bids where the Items have been used will not be affected, but any future uses of updated Items would use the updated pricing.

 UnAccepting an eQuoteMinimum Order Quantity and Verify eQuote Warnings

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