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Digital Production Control - What Happens to Typical Groups and Repeating Pages in DPC Mode

Views: 643 Last Updated: 08/07/2024 01:57 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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Typical Takeoff is takeoff that is performed using Typical Groups and/or Repeating Pages. When you 'flip' a bid to DPC Mode, all the virtual or typical takeoff is 'exploded' into takeoff objects that can be percented. For the most part, the Foreman never knows they are percenting anything other than normal takeoff. (In Takeoff Mode, you do not see this 'exploded' takeoff, you see the Typical takeoff and Repeating Pages only.)

Typical Areas are not compatible with Digital Production Control. If you used Typical Areas to get your estimate built quickly, you will need to go back and convert those Typical Areas to Typical Groups to use DPC.

Typical Groups in DPC Mode

The takeoff objects contained in a Typical Group are percented individually in DPC Mode. When DPC Mode is activated, the takeoff within the Typical Group Frame (along with the frame itself) is no longer visible but the associated takeoff is shown at each individual Typical Group Marker.

Example - Typical Groups

In Takeoff Mode, the Typical Group Frame is displayed along with the Typical Group Marker (and the associated Takeoff usually - the takeoff can be toggle on/off by right-clicking on the Typical Group in the Conditions Window and removing the option to Show Group Takeoff at Marker).

In Takeoff Mode, you see the Typical Group Frame and Markers

In DPC Mode, on that same page, the Typical Group Frame is no longer visible, nor are the Typical Group Markers. The typical takeoff is available for percenting. In the box below the image above has been set to DPC Mode, notice the Typical Group Frame no longer displays and the Typical Group takeoff is there, grayed out because no Labor Cost Code is selected.

In DPC Mode, you only see the takeoff associated with the Typical Group and each piece of takeoff can be selected separately for percenting

Each piece of takeoff is now visible in the Image Window and can be percented separately.

Typical (Virtual/Repeating) Pages in DPC Mode

When DPC Mode is activated, Virtual Pages become accessible in the Page List Drop Down menu. Each Virtual Page is an exact duplicate of the original Typical Page. The original Typical Page is no longer accessible.

in DPC Mode, every 'copy' of a Repeating Page shows in the Page Navigator drop-down list

The takeoff on each Virtual Page can now be percented, one page at a time. To the Foremen, all typical takeoff is just "normal" takeoff.

click here to view the previous article Project Manager - Flip Job to DPC ModeProject Manager - Assign Roles click here to view the next article

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