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Digital Production Control - 01.06.02 The Image Tab - DPC

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The Image Tab is where a Foreman does most of his work in DPC. The screen may look a little complex at first, but each section is explained in detail below.

There are several key areas to the Image Tab:

  • Tools and Controls (the toolbars)
  • Image (and takeoff objects)
  • Labor Cost Codes (LCCs) window (Cost Code List)
  • Production Window
  • Percenting Slider and the Set % Context control
  • Layers management tab
  • Status Bar

This screen shot below is a little busy, but there's a lot of information being presented on the Image Tab. Don't be intimidated, this screen will soon become second-nature to you, after you learn how to use it.

the Digital Production Control Image Tab is where you see plans, takeoff, percenting, labor cost codes, and annotations

Image Window

The Image window is where the project plans and takeoff objects are displayed. Objects on the images are color-coded and shaded to give a visual reference of their status:

  • Blue objects have not yet been percented nor had time applied to them
  • Green objects are on or under budget
  • Orange objects are less than 5% over budget
  • Red objects are 5% or more over budget
  • Hatched objects are incomplete (greater than 0%, but less than 100% complete)
  • Solid objects are 100% complete

Bid View, Labor Cost Codes, Layers Window

This window displays the Bid View, Labor Cost Codes, and Layers lists. By default, this window opens to the Labor Cost Code list.

The Labor Cost Code Tab

The Labor Cost Code list displays all cost codes associated with the takeoff objects on the current page. The Labor Cost Code window may be grouped and sorted to make it easier to use (see Context Menu, below for additional information).

the Digital Production Control shows the labor cost codes used on this page

The LCC list displays a lot of information...

Bolded Cost Codes

Indicates the LCC was used more than once in a single Condition in Quick Bid and is being percented based on the Qty 1 UOM. For example, in the screen shot above, "FRM WALL (LF)" is bolded, this means that it was used more than once in a single Condition:

the Quick Bid Condition detail indicates that an LCC was used twice in the same Condition, so it is bolded in DPC

Whether or not the Item's quantity was LF or SF, the Production would be calculated based on LF (the Condition Quantity 1) and displayed as LF in Digital Production Control.

Color Coding and Shape

  • blue empty square - indicates a cost code hasn't been percented Blue objects have not yet been percented or had time applied to them
  • green empty cicle - indicates a cost code has been percented and is 'on budget' Green objects are on or under budget
  • orange empty triangle - indicates a cost code has been percented and is 'over budget' but by less than 5% Orange objects are less than 5% over budget
  • red empty triangle - indicates a cost code has been percented and is 'over budget' by more than 5% Red objects are 5% or more over budget

This is based on the overall Project % complete for each Labor Cost Code.

% (complete)

Indicates the % Complete for each LCC for the current page only

the LCC window Control Buttons

By Default, the Labor Cost Code window is located on the right side of Digital Production Control, change this by clicking Tools > Options > DPC > Toolbars, specify whether to Lock the DPC toolbars here as well (this is especially helpful for tablet users - it keeps them from accidentally moving a toolbar).

The Percent Complete buttons, are located at the bottom of the Labor Cost Code (LCC) list.

the Digital Production Control Image Tab LCC window control buttons make it easy to select takeoff based on its percent complete

ButtonWhat it does/How it is used...
the multi-select toggle allows an Foreman to use a touch screen to select multiple labor cost codes to percent at onceMulti-select toggle. When using a Tablet PC (with only an on screen keyboard), this toggle allows you to check/uncheck Labor Costs Codes for multi-percenting. (Percenting is discussed in Related articles.)
the '0%' button selects all takeoff object that have not been percented for the select cost code(s)Selects all takeoff objects for the selected LCC, on the current page, set to zero (0) percent complete (not started).
the '1-99%' button selects all takeoff object that have been percented but not to 100% for the select cost code(s)Selects all takeoff objects for the selected LCC, on the current page, that are greater than zero (0) percent complete but less than 100 percent complete. Basically selects everything that already has a percent set but that is not completed.
the '100%' button selects all takeoff object that have set to 100 percent complete for the select cost code(s)Selects all takeoff objects for the selected LCC, on the current page, set to (100%) complete.
the hide 100% button is a round red circle with a slash next to '100%'Hides all takeoff objects for the selected LCC, on the current page, set to (100%) complete (cleans up the Image window significantly as your project progresses).
the Takeoff Mode button allows a Foreman to view the Image Tab in Takeoff Mode to see takeoffs and bid areasReturns the bid to Takeoff (TKO) Mode. Project Managers can edit takeoff quantities and pricing. Foremen can view the colored takeoff for the project in Read Only mode. All users can access the Quick Takeoff (Measurement) Tools and Annotations in Takeoff Mode.

Labor Cost Codes Window Context Menu

right-click within the Cost Codes window to see the context menu

Option/SelectionWhat it does/How it is used...
Select (objects by % complete)Allows user to quickly select objects on the current page that are either not percented (0%), partially percented (1 - 99%), or completed (100%).
Group by Condition TypeGroups the Labor Cost Code Window based on each Condition Type to make it easier to percent all LCCs related to a particular Condition type all at once.
Expand AllExpands all Condition Types in the Labor Cost Code window.
Collapse AllCollapses or closes all Condition Types in the Labor Cost Code window.
Hide Inactive Cost CodesHides any LCC in the list that does not have takeoff associated with it on the current page. Makes the Labor Cost Code window easier to use.

Bid View Tab

The Bid View list allows you to switch between the Base Bid or an accepted Change Order (this function is also available via the Bid View drop down on the Main toolbar).

The Image, Budget, Timecard, and Payroll Recap screens all show specific information for the Bid View selected in this tab.

The Bid View tab allows you to switch between the Base Bid and any Change Orders included in the DPC job

Layers Tab

The Layers list displays the list of layers that are used on the selected page. There are two buttons located at the bottom of this window, Check All and Check None used to show/hide all layers at one time. Individually click each check box located to the left of the listed Layer in the Show column to selectively show/hide layers.

in the Layers window, you can turn on and off various layers to simplify the Image Window

Only the Project Manager (in Takeoff Mode) can assign Conditions to different layers or create/reorder layers. The Foreman can only turn layers on and off (to make it easier to differentiate takeoff on the Image Tab).

Production Window

The Production Quick View window located below the Labor Cost Code window, displays a quick snapshot of production status for the overall Bid in Days. To activate the Production Window, click View > Production Window.

In the Production Window, you see the forecast and current production for the selected cost code

The Percenting Slider

The Percenting Slider is located at the bottom of the Image window and provides an easy tool to set percent complete (in single percent increments) for selected objects. See Related articles for more details on setting percents.

The Status Bar

The Status bar, located at the bottom of screen, provides the date, current page, budgeted (B:) and remaining (R:) labor hours for the selected takeoff objects, Architectural page size, and current features for which you are licensed. This gives the user a quick reference at a glance. In DPC Mode, the Status Bar cannot be disabled.

the Digital Production Control show budgeted and remaining hours for the selected takeoff objects

See Related articles for some great information on using DPC Line Out for information on using the status bar's information to maximize daily production efficiencies.

click here to view the previous article The Bids TabThe Budget Tab click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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