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OST - 18.03 Masters: Job Statuses

Views: 173 Last Updated: 12/29/2022 09:42 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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Job Statuses help you keep track of the progress of the jobs in your database. The Job Status master table stores the Job Statuses available in the current database. Job Status is assigned to a Bid on the Cover Sheet and can be used to indicate the phase or stage of a project. You can even group the Bids Tab by Job Status to help organize your Jobs.

New Bid Default
New Bids are set to the first Job Status (at the top of the list), by default. You can always change this in the Bid's Cover Sheet.

Creating a New Job Status

To create a custom Job Status:

  • Click Master > Job Statuses (or click the Lookup icon next to the Job Status field on the Cover Sheet)
  • Click the New button - a blank row appears in the list
  • Type in the new name and press the <Enter> key - the new status appears in the list

Job Status names are limited to 50 characters.

Setting a Job Status to "Locked"

When a Bid is assigned to a "locked" Job Status it users can open the Bid in Read Only mode only.

To set a Job Status as locked,

  • Open the Job Statuses list (Master > Job Statuses)
  • Check the "Lock Bid" checkbox for the Job Status to set as 'locked'

This is a global database change - any existing or new Bids set to this Job Status will be read-only and no edits may be performed, by anyone.

Managing Job Statuses

Click Delete to delete a selected status in the list; Reminder: if any Bid in the current database is set to a particular Job Status, that Job Status can not be deleted.

Click Move Up or Move Down to move a Job Status' position in the list.

Click Print to print the list of all Job Statuses and their Lock Bid status for the current entire Database.

 Masters: Importing an Employee ListMasters: Condition Types 

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