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OST - 18.02.01 Masters: Importing an Employee List

Views: 123 Last Updated: 07/20/2023 07:10 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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You can import a list of employees into On-Screen Takeoff which makes building the Employees master table a snap. We include a template Excel file, located in the "C:\OCS Documents\OST", named "Sample Employee Import.csv". Open this file in a spreadsheet application to see the various fields you can import.

The image below shows the required fields highlighted in Yellow and the recommended fields in Reddish-Pink - highlighting is not required in the actual CSV file.

All text fields are limited to 50 characters.

Creating an Import List in Excel/CSV File

To create your import list,

Using a spreadsheet program, create a list of all employees formatted exactly as the sample file (the file must include the headers for EmpNo, FirstName, and LastName, all other headers/fields are optional).

Save the file as a CSV document.

Importing CSV Employee List

Launch On-Screen Takeoff.

Click Masters > Employees, the Employees dialog box opens...

Click the Import button, an open file dialog box displays...

Browse to the location of saved CSV file and select it.

Click Open and the employee list is imported into the Employees Master Table.

If you have a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel installed, you can save the sample import file as a template so you can re-use it in future projects. See your spreadsheet application’s Help system for information on creating and saving templates.

Masters: EmployeesMasters: Job Statuses 

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