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On-Screen Takeoff - 17.06 Receiving Projects and Project Updates using Project Express - OST

Views: 364 Last Updated: 12/20/2024 11:09 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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If you've received an e-mail notification that you have been sent a file through Project Express, your first step is to install Project Express and register for an account using that same e-mail address. See Project Express Overview for details on what Project Express is, how to register for an account, and how use send and receive files through it.

The steps below will walk you through receiving/downloading a file using Project Express.

When you open On-Screen Takeoff (or DPC), the program checks for any new projects ready to download via Project Express. If you've received files but haven't downloaded them yet, the update notification shows on the Project Express Tab:

On the Project Express, you'll see an indicator if you have a file available for download

Important Notes about Sending/Receiving
  • Each time you send files via Project Express, refresh your Inbox or Outbox, or refresh the Account Information dialog, your Project Express registration and Maintenance Subscription are checked. If your Maintenance Subscription with On Center Software lapses, you will have access to Project Express for a limited time. Contact our Customer Success team at 866-426-2447 to renew your Maintenance Agreement to get the full benefits of Project Express.
  • If you are using Project Express to send/receive DPC Change Files, they must be imported in the order they were sent from the field. See the DPC User Guide for more information.
  • Uploaded files are available to download for 14 days from send-date.
  • Receiving Files through Project Express

    You are notified when you receive a file via Project Express within On-Screen Takeoff when:

    • You switch to the Project Express Tab - Inbox
    • You refresh the Project Express Inbox
    • You open On-Screen Takeoff after the file is sent

    When you (or any recipient) receives a file through Project Express, the Project Express Inbox shows the file, the message, and other information.

    Project Express outbox showing one file that has not been sent yet

    Project Express links are only valid for 14 days. If the recipient does not retrieve the file by the expiration date, the sender must resend the file.

    The user double-clicks on the line item in the Inbox, and Project Express downloads the file and automatically imports it into the Active database.

    If this file is retrieved/downloaded/imported more than once into the same database, the sender sends another Bid package from the same Bid, or the sender resends the same Bid package file, On-Screen Takeoff generates a overwrite warning message.

    You are prompted to confirm overwriting an existing project when downloading through Project Express

    Overwriting Warning

    When you import an OSP Bid Package file and the Bid already exists in the current (Active) database, the Bid is overwritten (you will be prompted to allow, of course). If you overwrite a Bid, any changes made to the existing Bid are irrevocably lost.

    If in doubt, do not click "Yes" to overwrite the Bid! Create a new database and then import the OSP file into that database. You can then copy and paste the Bid into the first database to create a copy of it.

    If you are using DPC you must always overwrite the existing bid to maintain the integrity of your DPC data.

    When the download is complete, you will be returned to the the Bids Tab with the new (or updated) Bid selected, ready to be opened.

    Click here to view previous article Sending Projects and Project Updates using Project ExpressRefreshing the Project Express Tab Click here to view next article

    Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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