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OST - 14.01 Creating a Rough Cost Estimate by Entering Unit Pricing on the Worksheet Tab

Views: 237 Last Updated: 11/04/2022 08:54 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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You can price a Bid using the Worksheet Tab. The Price Using field on the Cover Sheet tells the program the application to use to price a Bid. By default, all On-Screen Takeoff projects use the Worksheet Tab for pricing, this can be changed by opening Tools > Options > and and changing the Price Using selection on the New Bid tab.

Pricing a Bid on the Worksheet Tab

The Worksheet Tab is suitable for simple/rough unit cost estimates.

  • You can enter money (dollar) values for  Material, Labor and Subcontractors for each Condition
  • The Worksheet automatically calculates the total dollars based on the Quantity 1 for each Condition. If you need to calculate a Condition's cost using a different result, you must set that value as "Result 1" in Condition Properties (see Related Articles for information on Condition Properties).
  • You can also enter Quantity 1 values directly on the Worksheet Tab for any Conditions that you have not used to draw takeoff. See Related articles for a refresher on that.

Do not rearrange the green columns on the Worksheet Tab used to calculate Material, Labor, Subs, or Total costs. These columns are dependent on the location of the other columns to calculate correctly.
Saving Worksheet Tab Pricing
When you save a Condition as a Style, its Worksheet Tab pricing (if you are pricing your Bid using the Worksheet Tab, of course) is not saved with the Style. We recommend using Template Jobs if you regularly use the same Conditions and Worksheet Tab pricing for your jobs. See Creating Template Jobs for details.

 Pricing Options Pricing A Bid Using Microsoft Excel

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