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On-Screen Takeoff - 10.04.02 Resizing, Moving, and Deleting Typical Group Frames - OST

Views: 364 Last Updated: 12/20/2024 10:42 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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Resizing a Typical Group Frame

You can enlarge or shrink the size of a Typical Group Frame:

  • Click the name panel of the Typical Group Frame in the Image window
  • Click and hold down the left mouse button on a Frame Handle of the selected Frame (the small empty square that appears at each corner of the Typical Group when it is selected)

the resize handle is a hollow box at each corner of the Typical Group Frame

  • Drag the handle until the Frame reaches the desired size
  • Release the mouse button

Changing the size of the Frame does not affect the quantity (Count) of the Typical Group in the Conditions List, but may affect the quantities of the Conditions that have takeoff contained within the Frame if resizing the Frame causes takeoff to fall inside or outside the frame.

Moving a Typical Group Frame only (not including the takeoff objects inside the frame)

You can move a Frame to include or exclude pieces of takeoff. The Conditions List updates based on takeoff objects included in the frame.

  • Click the name panel on the Frame to select it
  • Click and hold down the left mouse button on the Name Panel
  • Drag the Frame to the new location
  • Release the mouse button

Moving a Typical Group Frame and all takeoff objects inside the frame

You can move an Frame and its takeoff to any location in the Image Window by roping it:

  • Click the Select Tool the select tool button is an upward pointing arrow angled slightly to the right
  • Click and hold down the left mouse button and rope the entire Frame and all takeoff contained within or touching
  • Release the mouse button - the borders of the Frame are bolded and the takeoff is highlighted in yellow to verify that it is selected, see Releated articles for more information about Selecting objects and inclusive versus touching "roping".
  • Click and hold down the left mouse button on either the Frame or a piece of takeoff
  • Drag the grouping to its new location and release the mouse button
  • Click anywhere in the Image window to deselect the grouping

Deleting a Typical Group Frame only (not including the takeoff objects inside the frame)

You can delete a Frame but leave the original takeoff intact. The Conditions List quantities increase based on takeoff objects that were included in the frame. The Markers associated with this Typical Group are not affected by deleting the Typical Group Frame - they are still located wherever they were placed although there is no longer any takeoff associated with them (they are just waiting for a Typical Group Frame to be drawn).

  • Click the name panel on the Frame to select it
  • Click the delete button is a red x or press <Delete>

Deleting a Typical Group Frame and all takeoff objects inside the frame.

You can delete a Frame and all takeoff within it by roping:

  • Click and hold down the left mouse button and rope the entire Frame and all takeoff contained within or touching
  • Release the mouse button - the borders of the Frame are bolded and the takeoff is highlighted in yellow to verify that it is selected
  • Click the delete button is a red x or press <Delete>

Deleting a Typical Group Frame (with or without the takeoff contained in that Frame) has no effect on the Typical Group (in the Condition List) or any Markers previously placed. You will need to redraw the Frame to define the Typical Group, but all Markers remain where they were originally placed. If you want to delete a Typical Group Frame and all associated Markers, just delete the Typical Group itself and then create a new Typical Group.

click here to view the previous article Rules For Drawing Typical Group FramesSelecting Takeoff within a Typical Group Frame click here to view the next article

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