There are a few rules regarding drawing Typical Group Frames.
Overlapping Frames
Overlapping one or more Typical Group Frames is not recommended. Although it is technically possible to overlap Typical Group Frames, doing so causes unpredictable calculation results. Make your life simpler, do not overlap Typical Group Frames
Takeoff Objects Intersected by a Typical Group Frame
If a Typical Group Frame partially includes takeoff objects, a warning banner displays and any takeoff touching the Typical Frame Marker is included in the Typical Group.
Linear and Area Takeoff
Linear and Area objects that touch or are completely inside the Typical Group Frame are considered part of the Typical Group.

Count and Attachment Objects
If the center point of a Count object or an Area Attachment object is inside the Typical Group Frame, the object is included in the Typical Group.
Example of a Count object included in a Typical Group Frame.

This example shows the same item outside the Typical Group Frame, notice the Condition Quantity.

For Linear Attachments, if the center point of the actual object is within the Typical Group, the object is considered included. For something like a door, this doesn't include the 'sweep indicator' - only the actual opening:

Example of a door included in a Typical Group (50% or more of the opening is within the Typical Group Frame).
Another example...

And the same takeoff object moved slightly outside of the Typical Group Frame (less than 50% of the opening is within the Typical Group Frame).