A Typical Group Frame surrounds some takeoff and then that takeoff (within the Typical Group Frame) becomes (or defines) the Typical Group. The size/shape of the Frame does not define the Typical Group, only the takeoff contained within the Frame does. As soon as you are done creating the Typical Group, you are immediately presented with the ability to draw the Frame.

Click and drag to draw a box (the Typical Group Frame...) around the takeoff to be included in the Typical Group. If you cancel out of this prompt, no worries, just follow the steps below to draw the Typical Group Frame. The takeoff doesn't even have to exist when you draw the Typical Group Frame - you can draw takeoff within a Frame or draw the Frame around existing takeoff - whichever is easier for you.
Drawing the Typical Group Frame
Only one Typical Group Frame may be drawn for any Typical Group. To Redraw a Typical Group Frame you just need to delete the original frame.
- Click the Typical Group in the Conditions List once to select it.
- Move the cursor into the Image Window, click an 'anchor' point just like taking off an Area.
- Click and hold down the left mouse button and draw the Frame around the desired takeoff.
- Release the mouse button and the name of the Typical Group displays in the bottom right corner of the Frame.
Notice, there is no Quantity for the Typical Group as no Typical Markers have been placed, yet.
Notice also, the individual Condition Results are reduced by the amount of takeoff inside the Typical Group Frame.

Takeoff contained within a Typical Group Frame is not included with
takeoff totals, it is strictly used to define the Typical Group. Once a Typical Group Marker is placed on a page,
Condition quantity totals change. We say "change" because you can set some or all of the
takeoff inside a Typical Group Frame as "Negative
Takeoff", see Related Articles for more information. Also, moving a piece of
takeoff out of the Typical Group Frame changes the
Condition's Page Quantity totals.
How Condition Quantities are Adjusted
When you draw a Typical Group Frame around takeoff objects, the quantities of the affected Conditions update - the amount of the takeoff located within the Typical Group Frame is removed from the quantity for each Condition.
For example, prior to adding a Typical Group Frame to the Bid, note the Quantity for Condition 1:

When Frame "TG 1" is drawn around one of the objects, the Condition Quantity is reduced accordingly:

Notice that Qty 1 for Typical Group 1 is zero - this is because no markers are used, yet. Typical Group quantities increase by 1 for each Typical Group Marker that is placed (and the associated Condition quantities also increase, more on that below...).
Takeoff quantities are added back into the original Condition quantities when:
- Takeoff objects are moved out of the Frame, or
- The Typical Group Frame is deleted, or
- A Typical Group Marker is placed on the current Page