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On-Screen Takeoff - 02.01 A Detailed Look at the Bids Tab - OST

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The Bids Tab displays a summary for each Bid (project, job, etc.) in the current database.

When you select a Bid (project, job, etc.) on the Bids Tab (when you click on a single bid), that activates the Image, Takeoff, and Worksheet Tabs for that Bid.

On-Screen Takeoff program Tabs- no bid selected
(No Bid selected)

On-Screen Takeoff program Tabs- bid selected
(Bid Selected)

  • The Bid Date column is updated automatically when a project is loaded from a Planroom. You can set or change this in the Cover Sheet (see "Color Code" further down in this article), however if you update this project using an OSX file from a Planroom, this date will be reset to whatever the Planroom specifies as the "Bid Date".
  • The Copy From and Copy Timestamp columns are populated when a Bid is copy and pasted or duplicated within the same database. The Copy From field indicates the original Bid Number and the timestamp (the date and time) when the copy was made (not populated if you copy a bid from another database).
  • Click on the desired column header (i.e. Bid No., Project Name, Status) and an arrow will appear next to the group title: a down arrow indicates the list is sorted in descending order, and an up arrow, ascending.
  • Adjust the order of columns by grabbing a column header and dragging it to a new position.
  • Double-click on a Bid to open the Image Tab for the selected Bid.
  • If you have a DPC license, you may see additional program tabs, see the DPC User Guide for more information.

Use filtering and grouping on the Bids Tab to organize/find Bids easier. These are explained in the articles that follow.

Bid Date Color Code

On-Screen Takeoff color codes the Bid Date shown on the Bids Tab (taken from the Cover Sheet) to help you quickly identify Bids you need to work on today/soon.

On-Screen Takeoff Bids Tab color-coded Bid Date

  • Black - Past date
  • Blue - Future date
  • Red - Today's date


Color-coding is driven by the Bid Date in the Cover Sheet, see Related Articles for more information on the Cover Sheet.

If you have downloaded a Planroom project (an OSX Project file), the Bid Date is set by the information in that project file. You can edit the Bid Date, but when the project updates (to check for updated plan files), that Bid Date may change to match what the Planroom publishes as "bid due date".

Project Flags

In the far-left column, you may see one or more icons that indicate the state of a Project.

On-Screen Takeoff Bids Tab Project State icons

Here's what each icon means:

IconWhat it means...
On-Screen Takeoff Bids Tab Quick Bid iconProject connected to Quick Bid (Interactive or Manual).
***This icon remains visible even if the interactivity between OST and QB is not working correctly. When you open a Bid's Image Tab, if you see a red banner across the top of the Image Window alerting you that the Bid is not in "interactive" mode, before you make changes, be sure to reconnect the bid from the Quick Bid side and then set it back to "Interactive Mode" in OST. See Connecting and Disconnecting Interactive Bids for more information.
On-Screen Takeoff Bids Tab Auto Name Processing iconAutoNaming is running on this Project's plans. See OST 3.98 - 03.08 Using Auto Naming for details on using this feature.
On-Screen Takeoff Bids Tab Auto Name interrupted iconAutoNaming was interrupted while uploading/processing this Project's plans. To restart the process, click the icon. See OST 3.98 - 03.08 Using Auto Naming for details on using this feature.

DPC Users see another set of Statuses, covered in: Digital Production Control 3.98 - 01.06.01 The Bids Tab

click here to view the previous article The Project Express TabFiltering the Bid List click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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