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Quick Bid - 14.03 Job Budget (Accounting) Exports - QB

Views: 813 Last Updated: 10/08/2024 09:59 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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Quick Bid supports exporting Job Budget Files to files that can be imported by several Accounting packages.

Alternates and Change Orders
If you are working in a Change Order, when you run an Export, it is for that Change Order only. To run a report or export on the Base Bid with or without accepted child bids, select the Base Bid from the Bid Navigator, and then open the Exports dialog box.

Although the Bid, Labor, and Material Exports are available to any licensed user, the Accounting and Custom Exports are only available to users under a maintenance subscription.

If you've allowed your maintenance subscription to expire, if you try to export an Accounting or Custom Export, you'll see the following warning.

QB maintenance expired!

You can renew easily by clicking File > Check Authorization and clicking the Renew link.

QB License Activation dialog box - renew link

That link opens the MyOnCenter customer portal where you (or whoever can pay the invoice) can renew your maintenance subscription.

You can also contact Customer Success to discuss renewing your maintenance subscription.

If your Accounting Package is not listed here, please submit a Feature Request and let us know which package you use. We are continuously improving Quick Bid and may be able to add your Accounting Package to the export list in a future upgrade. Also, keep reading this section, because although your package is not listed, you can still export the information into a CSV file and may be able to make minor changes to that file and import it into your Accounting system.

The following Accounting packages exports are supported (each article opens in a new browser tab, be sure your 'pop-up blocker' allows pop-ups from 'oncenter.com'.):

Material Tax

Some Accounting Exports include an option called "Include and Distribute Material Tax". When this option is checked, the Material Tax is rolled into the Material Cost Code from which it is derived, however, when unchecked, Material Tax is not included in the Export at all, even if you assign Material Tax to a Cost Code.

Job Budget Export - Include and Distribute Material Tax?

Other Accounting Exports include an option called "Distribute Tax". When this option is checked, Material Tax is rolled into the Material Cost Code from which it is derived when this option is selected. However, when unchecked Material Tax shows as a separate line up, with the same Material Cost Code, but with a different Category Code (MT).

Job Budget Export - Include and Distribute Material Tax?

See Related Articles at the bottom of this article for additional information about the various exports available in Quick Bid.

If your Accounting program is not listed, try one of the exports that use a CSV file to export. Once the file is generated, open the CSV file in Excel and determine if the fields are suitable for your Accounting package. Edit/re-arrange the information as needed, then import the CSV file into your Accounting package. Your Accounting software must support importing ASCII text files.

Exporting the Job Budget File

To export a Job Budget File,

Click the Exports button Add Alt Text and select the Job Budget File under Accounting Exports

Quick Bid Exports dialog box

Click Options - the Modify Options for Job Budget File dialog opens

When you click "Use Account Codes", if the Job Budget Export for your Accounting package supports Phases, they will be substituted for Bid Areas in the export. See Related articles for more information.

Quick Bid Job Budget (Accounting) Export dialog box

Select the appropriate Accounting package from the Export Format list. Depending on the Export Format, there may be options to Distribute Burden and Tax as well as Group by Section and Areas.

Use the Lookup button the Lookup button looks like a magnifying glass to choose where the export file is saved and what to name it - by default, exports are saved in the Database folder with a generic name. Update the File Name but do not change the file extension (such as *.jce or *.csv)

Saving a Job Budget Export as a CSV file

Click Open

Click OK - the options dialog box closes

In the Exports dialog box, click Export to save the Job Budget File export

Once the Job Budget Export is complete, import that file into your Accounting program.

For assistance importing an Accounting or Material export into your Accounting package, please contact the vendor or manufacturer of your Accounting program.

click here to view the previous article Exporting Specific Divisions and Sections Using Account Codes Instead of Cost Codes in Exports click here to view the next article

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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