To start an eQuote,
Click on the Materials Tab
Place a check in "View eQuotes" if not already done - the Material eQuotes panel displays
Select one or more Items in the Material List (using <Ctrl> or <Shift> key) - select the entire list by clicking in the cell located right above 1 and left of the header Item Code

You can use the filters on the Materials list to make selecting specific Material Items easier.
Drag the selected Item(s) to the New eQuote Request area

Release the mouse button when the Item(s) is over the New eQuote Request header - the eQuote Details dialog opens - customize the Name, Ship Date and other information for this eQuote

You can copy and paste
Stocking Instructions and
Notes to Supplier from your spec sheets or some external program (such as Word or Excel). Just use Ctrl C and Ctrl V.
Click Close when finished
The Item(s) shows in the New eQuote Request area's Request Item List.
Each item displays its Item Code, Description, Quantity Requested, UOM, Price Per, and Current Price.

Things to know...
- Material Items are automatically grouped by Material Cost Code, you can toggle this off using the eQuote Manager Drop Down (described in the next article).
- A Material Item that is used both in a Base Bid and one or more Alternates can be added to only one eQuote within the Base Bid and any Alternate (the Base Bid and all Alternates share Material Pricing and Sourcing).
- A Material Item is used in a Base Bid and a Change Order can be added to eQuotes in the Base Bid and each Change Order (Base Bids and Change Orders retain unique Material Pricing and Sourcing).
- You can add Items to an eQuote up until sending it to a Supplier. Once you send an eQuote to a Supplier, you can no longer add Items to it.
- You can combine different sizes of the same Item into one eQuote line item. Simply highlight those Items that are the same, right-click and then select Combine Sizes. You can also click the "Combine All Sizes" button and Quick Bid automatically combines all possible sizes for like Items.