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QB - 07.01.02 Duplicating Conditions within the Same Bid

Views: 311 Last Updated: 11/07/2022 02:04 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
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Sometimes, an existing Condition is similar enough to what you need that simply creating a copy of it and making minor changes is best. For example, if you are taking off several floors of a building and some are 8', 9', and 10' to deck, create the 8' Condition first, then duplicate it twice and simply change the Height in the 2nd and 3rd Conditions.

To Duplicate an existing Condition:

  • Select the Condition (or Conditions) on the Conditions Tab (use <Shift> to select adjacent Conditions and <Ctrl> to select Conditions one at a time)
  • Click the Duplicate icon , right-click and select Duplicate, or press <Ctrl> <D> on the keyboard
  • The Condition (or Conditions) is duplicated and immediately shows in the Conditions Tab - probably toward the bottom. The duplicate has the same properties as the original Condition except for Cond. No.

Double-click the new Condition to open the Condition Details dialog box - and make whatever changes are necessary to distinguish it from the original Condition, repeat if you've duplicated multiple Conditions.


The Conditions will be numbered in sequential order, starting with the next available Condition No.

The Condition Details are copied over, including Markups and Indirect Expenses. 

click here to view the previous article Copying Conditions to a Different Bid or a Child Bid Create Conditions from an Excel File (importing a Quantity Survey) click here to view the next article

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