It's often easier and more efficient to use something that is already in the database rather than starting from scratch.
Quick Bid makes it easy to copy and paste Conditions within the same Bid, from one Bid to another, or from a base Bid to an Alternate or Change Order.
You also can copy Condition Items (what is in the grid) from one Condition to another, in the same Bid or any other Bid. A Bid may include several Conditions that use similar items so why not just use what you've already entered and then make the minor adjustments necessary? We cover copying Condition Details in Related Articles.
Copying Conditions
Sometimes, an existing Condition is exactly what you need (or very similar) in another Bid. Quick Bid makes it easy to copy a Condition or a group of Conditions and paste them into the same Bid, a child Bid, or another Bid altogether. This is done on the Conditions Tab.
Select the Condition(s) to copy,
- Right-click and select Copy, or
- Click the Copy button on the Main Toolbar
, or - Press <Ctrl> + <C> on your keyboard

Navigate to the Bid, Alternate, or Change Order into which the Conditions are to be pasted.
Open the Conditions Tab.
Right-click and choose Paste (or use the toolbar button or <Ctrl> + <V>).

The Conditions are pasted into the new Bid, with the same Quantities and Condition Details as the original Bid.

- If you're copying to a different Bid, the Condition numbers will likely change (if there were existing Conditions in the 'receiving' Bid) but the Conditions will be in the same order as the original Bid. (If you copy and paste within the same Bid, the Condition numbers will definitely change, of course.)
- The Condition Unit Costs and Totals will likely be different. That's because only the Condition Details are copied over, Markups and Indirect Expenses are not copied from the original Bid. You will need to adjust Markups and Indirect Expenses in the Bid into which you pasted the Conditions (this is by design to avoid changing the receiving Bid's Markups/Indirect Expenses setup).
- When copying a Condition from one database to another, any information not already in the Master Tables of the destination database (Item Types, Condition Types, Payroll Classes, etc.), is added automatically. If the option to "Create Master Items during Bid copying" is selected (Tools > Options), Quick Bid adds each Item to the Master Items list also, if it doesn't already exist.