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Quick Bid - 05.08.01 The Item Detail Sizing Tab: Selecting a Sizing Method - QB

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The Sizing tab tells Quick Bid how to convert the Item quantity into something you and your supplier can work with (for example, you don't order 1,500 screws or 106 ft of 2x4s, you order a box of screws and 14 studs).

The Sizing tab provides information about how the Items are typically sold/obtained (such as Size Method, Container, and Mixture Yield). You will enter default settings such as size, color, thickness, material combinations (Mixture), container quantity, and container descriptions on the Sizing tab.

The grid at the bottom of the dialog box is where the estimator defines different Sizes or Styles or Mixture components.

Quick Bid Item Detail with sizing tab open

Size Method

The Size Method drop down provides options for describing the physical attributes of Material or Labor Item and defines the Container by which the product is usually purchased. The drop down menu presents five options that describe these physical characteristics – Sizes, Styles, Styles with Sizes, No Sizes, and Mixture.

The UOM of the Item record (upper-right corner of the dialog box) controls which options are available and for what type of Item Quantities this Item is intended. If you regularly price the same Material by LF and SF, you create two distinct Items.

Most UOMs (except for EA and volume UOMs such as CF, or m3) create a grid in the lower section of the dialog box with multiple columns for size, units in a container, container definitions, and weight.

Sizes, Styles, Styles with Sizes, and Mixtures are all covered in detail in the articles that follow.

Selection or FieldWhat it does/How it is used...
SizesUse this option to setup the most common sizes available for this Item. To add additional sizes, use the New button.
  • If the UOM is linear, enter lengths only
  • If the UOM is square, enter length and width
  • If the UOM is EA or cubic, no size is required

The Units/Per column determines the pieces or coverage rate in a container. For example, 10 units/bundle, 10,000 units/box, 1 unit/ each, or 350 units/gallon. The container name is selected from the drop down menu. The Units/Per only converts the material quantity calculated into the number of containers required.

It is not necessary to enter every possible size for the item, only the most common sizes. Special/custom sizes may be entered directly at the Condition Detail by clicking the size drop down menu and selecting New.

Sizing a Material by Style works well for Materials that have a single size but come in a variety of grades, colors, or finishes, or where the size of the Item does not affect the quantity ordered (a wood finished door versus a white paint door doesn't affect Material Quantity). Each Style may be assigned a different price but not necessarily. A Style can be a material characteristic, a labor activity, or even a catalog number. Examples include door slabs or frame sizes, color, paint sheen; labor application variables; different grades or weights of carpet or wall covering; metal or Vinyl Trim items; hardware groups with catalogue numbers and so on. Each Style may default to a different material price or labor value.

Labor variables can be set up as Styles. For example, labor to paint a concrete block may be set as a Style which could list different methods of application - Brush, Roll, or Spray. Another approach would be labor assigned to different concrete forms – wood, steel pan, etc. Also, framing labor for different wall heights might be entered as Styles. Each height entry could then default to a different production rate or unit price.

When viewing material reports, “Styled” materials are listed with their description followed by the Style name.

The Units/Per column is based on the Item's UOM.

Items that are sized by 'Styles' or 'Styles with Sizes' are shown in blue in the Item List.

Styles with Sizes

This method has the same default characteristics mentioned above except that size attributes may be assigned to each Style (or vice versa). Each option could be set to a different price. For example, an Acoustical tile may be available in 3 different sizes, each having 4 edge profiles - or you may build an door Item that has 4 different grades of wood, each a different size, where the size of the object does matter when it comes time to determine how much paint it takes to cover it.

When a “Styled” Item is added to a Condition Detail, Quick Bid auto-selects the first entry listed in the Style column of the Item Detail. The style name is displayed under the "Size" column of the Condition Detail and the field is flagged in blue to indicate the Item is available in more than one size or style. The labor fields in the Condition's Item Detail display production in quantity, pieces, or time.

Items that are sized by 'Styles' or 'Styles with Sizes' are shown in blue in the Item List.

No Sizes

Some Items have no particular size attributes or the size is irrelevant to determining how much of an Item to order.

For instance, a drywall screw named DS114 means a 1.25 inch screw - the name itself indicates the size but that size has no relevance on the number of drywall screws, or containers of drywall screws, you need.

  • Most Items set to EA as the UOM on the Item record, are setup as “No Sizes”
  • Most Labor only Items are setup as "No Size" because there is no material to be ordered

The Units/Per column is assumed to be LF or millimeters.


Mixtures allow you to enter specific material quantities for a combination of materials required for a given coverage or yield.

Mixtures also allow you to combine a group of Material Items into a single line entry in a Condition Detail where Labor will apply to the mixture.

For example, our Item Code TF1 (Fire Tape 1) is a mixture of two other material Items: Tape-250 and Mud4. These materials are listed below the Yield of 1,000SF.

Another advantage of a Mixture is that it allows you to manipulate the original UOM of a material by entering that material into a mixture containing a different UOM. For instance, an anchor or clip would have EA as their UOM. If you wanted a specific number of anchors or clips based upon the LF of an object (beam, wall, etc.), you could build a Mixture Item that calculates by the LF and specify the exact number of “EA” Items required for a given linear yield.

Mixtures are explained in detail below.

Items that are "sized" as "Mixtures" are displayed in pink in the Item List.


Allows you to choose a description that represents what unit the item is priced by. For example, a Container for drywall is usually a sheet while a Container for screws usually would be a box. You select the Container based on how you would typically order/purchase an item.

Mixture Yield

Used only when the Method is set to "Mixture".

We cover Mixtures in an article that follows. First, let's take a look at "Sizes" Sizing Method.

click here to view the previous article Item Details - the Sizing Tab Overview and VideoThe Sizing Tab: Sizes click here to view the next article

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