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Getting Started with Quick Bid - QB

Views: 1572 Last Updated: 01/15/2025 06:20 am 0 Rating/ Voters
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Congratulations on choosing Quick Bid. Let's get started!


We assume you have installed the application and activated a license.

If you have not installed and licensed Quick Bid, please review the most current Installation Instructions and How to License.

On the left side of this page, find links to:

link to the product user guide
The User Guide
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Training Videos
link to product FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
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Release Notes
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Below, you'll find a few videos and links to key articles to help you get up-and-running quickly. The links open in a new tab or window so this article stays open, the videos are embedded in this article and should play, just click the play button start embedded video button.

Learning Goal

This "Getting Started" article is not intended to be all-encompassing training nor should you consider the User Guide and Training Videos as a replacement for true product training. If you want to get the most out of your software investment, it pays to invest a little time in training yourself and your team so you don't waste time trying to figure out everything on your own. Contact your account manager and schedule training today.

Rather, our goal for this article is give you a very brief introduction to Quick Bid if you have never used it.

Quick Bid uses "Tabs" to provide access to different program functionality. When you first open the program, only the Bids Tab is active. When you select a bid on the Bids Tab, the other Tabs become active (this is called "opening a bid").

Along the top of the program are the Program Menus and Toolbars. The menus are always visible, so is the "Main Toolbar". Different Tabs include different Toolbars - don't worry, all this is covered in detail in the User Guide, for now, we're just going to give you a quick walk-through.

Before You Start Bidding

There is some general "housekeeping" and product setup you need to do before you start bidding in Quick Bid.

link to options article
Program Options and Settings
Link to product release notes
Learn How to Enter Values
link to product FAQs
Review Masters
link to product training video library
Configure Your Payroll Settings

Making the Connection

Bids Tab/Bid Navigator

Let's look at the Bids Tab first - that's the main screen of the program and what you see when you launch it. It shows you all the Bids (Projects, Jobs, whatever term you use) in your current database.

One of the first things you'll probably do is create a Bid - and, if you're like most Quick Bid users, you're using it interactively with On-Screen Takeoff.

Conditions Tab (What You're Building)

Next up, the Conditions Tab - arguably the most important part of the application, it's where you access all the Conditions you created and used to takeoff your plans in On-Screen Takeoff. You will add Material and Labor to these Conditions to price your Bid.

Adding Material and Labor Costs on The Conditions Tab

In addition to Condition Material and Labor Costs, you may also enter the following direct costs:

Subs Tab - Costs associated with SubcontractorsEquip Tab - Costs associated with rental Equipment for the job siteOther Tab - Miscellaneous direct expenses

These are called direct costs because they are not based on or added to some other cost.

There are also indirect costs associated with your Bid. We call them Markups, Indirect Expenses, and Additional Markups.

You view and configure these on the Markups Tab:

Using the Markups Tab

When you're happy with your numbers, you'll probably want to do something with this Bid.

Submitting Your Bid

Remember, this Getting Started articles only scratches the surface of Quick Bid and is not intended to be a replacement for formal product training. Please contact your Account Manager to schedule formal training at your earliest convenience.

Product documentation (user guides) describes functionality in the latest version of each major release and may not match the functionality in the version you are using. Please check the Product Information and Downloads pages by clicking one of the product buttons above.

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