Error Message in Digital Production Control - Foreman Cannot Percent Bids That Have Been Duplicated - DPC
Views: 212 Last Updated: 08/01/2024 07:04 am |
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SymptomWhile trying to percent, the DPC Foreman receives the following error, "DPC-Foreman cannot percent bids that have been duplicated. Only bids received from a project manager (.dpm) file can be percented." 
DiscussionDigital Production Control has detected that the current bid is not the original bid received from the Project Manager. Percenting and time applied to a bid that was not received from a project manager cannot be sent back to a project manager - to prevent errors, the product does not allow this. ResolutionThe Project Manager must re-send the DPC Package to the Foreman. Any work the foreman has done but not sent into the Project Manager will need to be re-input.